Club Meeting Monday January 10 at 7 PM

Hi everyone!

NCRC will have a Zoom meeting on Monday January 10 at 7 PM.  Invitations are being emailed Sunday afternoon.

In addition to our short business meeting, we will discuss Winter Field Day, which will no longer be at Glen Park due to the COVID outbreak in RI – Anyone can use their home station, or setup an outdoor station using their own call and still give credit to the club aggregate score (set the “CLUB” item to “W1SYE” in your log submission).

We will also experiment with a new Zoom feature that allows us to break into small groups – exactly what happens during a physical meeting so that we can get to know each other and discuss our goals. And we will introduce a new interview segment that we will have from time to time so that members can get to know each other better.

Happy New Year!

MOTA-POTA-IOTA Lighthouse Holiday Adventure

Dec 18th   Summary

The gathering was a great success as an in-person club event. We set up and operated two stations; HF and D-Star. This was a great display of HAM radio resilience operating off battery in less then desirable weather.

We successfully activated POTA Washington-Rochambeau Mutli-state Trail(K-4582) and Case Mine (MOTA) for the first time. We also completed an IOTA (NA-031), on Aquidneck Island. Being 2540m from Hog Island Lighthouse doesn’t meet the 1 km rule but so what. More event pictures at:

Thanks to Nancy (KC1NEK) Austin, for making this event happen despite the rain and an unexpected family emergency. Great teamwork everyone! Thank you, Ted (W1GRI) & Mike (AA1XQ), for bringing your radio gear out in the wet WX. Thank you, Bob (WB4SON) Beatty, for the spot that got the frequency going. As a group we made 65 contacts total in just over an hour (16:46-17:49 UTC).

Stayed tuned for more events like this.


MOTA (December 18 11 AM to 1 PM) No Sunday event.

NCRC had an in-person get together at Lehigh Grove in Portsmouth on Saturday December 18th from 11 AM until 1 PM.   Since the weather did not dampen our intrepid members from participating on Saturday, we will NOT use the rain date on Sunday.

A more complete report on the event is being prepared but we did make 30 contacts on 40m.

This was the club’s first MOTA (Mine on the Air).  It also qualifies as a US Island on the air, International Island on the Air, Lighthouse on the air, and Park on the Air – more events than you can shake a stick at!

Details can be found by clicking on this link.

Year-end Virtual Party Monday Dec 13 at 7 PM

You are invited to join Newport County Radio Club online via Zoom (invitation sent via email) for a virtual year-end party on Monday December 13th at 7 PM.

While we can’t offer you hors d’oeuvre and libations, you are more than welcome to partake on your own.

We will have a brief review of what went on during the 2021 year, along with an announcement of an in-person event on Saturday December 18th (11 AM to 1 PM).  Our scavenger hunt will be returning again, complete with prizes for the winners (an end-fed half-wave antenna, club membership, wearable items, and other tchotchkes).  I hear that Paul’s elves have worked on a new score for the club’s song.

Hoping to see everyone Monday at 7 PM!

A successful VE session was held on December 11th

Hats off to Mike AA1XQ and all the VEs that helped at All Saints STEAM Academy on Saturday December 11th.  Five new Technicians successfully passed their tests.

Congratulations to the following new hams (call signs pending, of course):

  • Robert Matose (Middletown)
  • Peter Cole (Coventry)
  • James Garman (Newport)
  • Christopher Dorsey (Coventry)
  • Maurice Levesque (West Warwick)