WFD 2023 – It’s a wrap!

24 continuous hours of W1SYE ops at Glen Park concluded at 2:00pm Sunday, January 29th.  45 minutes later, HF station, tent, antenna, generator and all ancillary equipment was stowed away for next year.  Many hands make light work!

Roughly 925 QSOs were made using phone, CW and digital modes.  Nine bands were worked: 160m, 80, 40, 20, 15, 6, 2, 70cm and 2.4 GHz.  Just for good measure (and bonus points), three SSB SATCOM contacts were thrown in as well.

The weather fully cooperated this year with a high of 52F around 2:00pm Saturday and a low of 37F about dawn Sunday.  Contrast this with temps in the low teens with 2 feet of snow on the ground reported by one VT station.

Thanks to all who participated in any way, shape, or form.  73

WFD 2023 is live on-the-air!

Join Winter Field Day this weekend anytime from 2:00 Saturday until 2:00pm Sunday for 20 minutes or 2 hours or the whole 24 hours – it’s up to you!!!

  • Club Station: Anyone is welcome to stop by Glen Park, Portsmouth, RI and visit the competitive tent-bound club station operating as W1SYE  for 24 hours straight. Carl KC1NAM will be there doing satellite setup and operating in his ham-van on Saturday from Noon to dusk – clearly visible. Operations at GLEN PARK are in a field on Barker Lane, which is off Glen Rd, which is off East Main Rd opposite Anna D’s Café near the Green Grocer in Portsmouth, RI. (Or other local or RI landmarks or where they used to be, depending on many things.)
  • Solo Ops: NCRC encourages all club members to use their own call sign and make at least a few contacts sometime this weekend on 2m Simplex or HF. A battery-powered handheld radio contact made outdoors is one easy way to be 1O-RI (ONE OUTDOOR RI) and get in the logbooks. Invite your friends and XYLs to get on the radio too. From her 1H-RI UHF/VHF base station, Nancy KC1NEK will be welcoming all Simplex calls Saturday 2-5pm and Sun 10-Noon. You can pre-program your radio to these good Simplex channels to know in our area and test your reach:
    W1SYE Simplex 146.55; RI-ARES Simplex 147.420; 70cm option 446.1

Winter Field Day 2023 – January 28th & 29th

Participating in Winter Field Day is a great way to start 2023. Newport County (RI) Radio Club has mapped out two paths to get involved.
First, using the club W1SYE call sign, NCRC will be operating a competitive HF station outdoors at Glen Park (exchange “1O RI”) and submitting a collective club score to Winter Field Day.  Plans to make a satellite contact are also underway.
Second, NCRC is offering another curated path for solo operators who want to participate in WFD operating under your own call sign.  Hoping club members will monitor the W1SYE Repeater and W1SYE Simplex frequency of 146.55 MHz during WFD to help other hams make at least one Simplex QSO as part of Winter Field Day 2023. (It’s so easy to forget how to move between the Repeater and a new or even programmed Simplex channel!)  WFD is here to help.

Please follow #WFD23 for updates.

For details contact

NCRC January Meeting

NCRC’s January Meeting will be a hybrid in-person and remote meeting again.  It will be held at St. Barnabas Church, 1697 E Main Rd, Portsmouth, RI 02871.  The doors will open at 6:30 and the meeting will begin at 7:00 PM.  A zoom invitation will be sent out later this weekend.

The primary purpose of the meeting will be to discuss Winter Field Day and induct new members.

Newport County Radio Club Wins ARRL Foundation Grant!

The ARRL writes: “Congratulations. The ARRL Foundation Club Grant committee has chosen your application to receive funding. Our selection of your program expresses the confidence and appreciation for you and your club. We hope that this grant will help you and your organization achieve the goals that you have put forth.”

The title of our grant is: ÄRTEN™ (Amateur Radio Training Experiment Network): A pilot community engagement learning opportunity in the 1-10GHz Super High Frequency (SHF) ham bands at the intersection of amateur radio + mesh network technology.  ARTEN is funded at $7,975.00 with an execution period of 01/01/2023 through 12/31/2023.  The grant acceptance was signed by the club president and returned to ARRL HQ on 21 Dec 2022.

For more information on how you can participate, contact: