W1AAD DSTAR Machine Running Again

Thanks to the efforts of Paul K1YBE and Ted W1GRI, who visited the site at noon today, the DSTAR machine is back up and running.  The issue was the failure of a “Relay In A Box” — which is used to interrupt the power from the uninterruptible power supply to the computer.  That RIB had failed open — no power to the PC, so no fancy Reflector stuff.

The RIB will be replaced when we can gain access to the repeater again.

W1AAD DSTAR Repeater Having Issues

Unfortunately, the W1`AAD DSTAR repeater has developed a problem.  While the repeater itself is operating, the computer that allows it to connect to the internet, allowing the use of Reflectors like 69C, is NOT working.

While we can do much remotely, the computer is simply no longer responding and a trip to the site is being arranged (but it is located in a school that has been closed due to COVID).

W1AAD Repeater Off Air for Repairs

The computer used for the gateway function of our DSTAR repeater, W1AAD, has been failing for the past few months.  We have decided to take the repeater off the air until we can come up with a reliable alternative that can be managed remotely (access to the site is very restricted).

There is no definite timeframe, but several weeks is is the minimum.


Additional Changes to W1AAD DSTAR Repeater

The W1AAD repeater was off the air for a time today to allow some additional changes to be made on the ircDDBGateway software (our thanks to VK4TUX, Adrian, who is doing that work for us, and Pete, W1LAB, who had to go to the repeater site to reboot it this afternoon).

The original DPLUS software services, that are used to link to the DPLUS reflectors, like REF069C, was working but preventing smooth operation of all the new linking features.  A decision was made to turn DPLUS off, and doing that seemed to fix all the voice identification issues and allow linking of any reflector via DTMF.

To use a DTMF command, please make sure your UR field is set to CQCQCQ, which is the normal setting for carrying out a conversation on the repeater.  The following DTMF commands will then work:

0 –> Will give you a voice announcement of link status
# –> Will unlink the repeater
** –> Will link to the default reflector, which is REF069C

*50C –> Will link to REF050C
B2A –> Will link to XRF002A
D5A –> Will link to DCS005B
D523 –> Will link to DCS005W
Two digit codes “01” to “26” can be used to represent the “A” to “Z” letters
Hence, “W” is 23.  By the way D502 would be the same as DCS005B.


W1AAD DSTAR Repeater Back on the Air

Another trip was made by Ted, W1GRI, and Bob, WB4SON, to the DSTAR Repeater site, to install a new UPS for the computer and various other internet devices.  The opportunity was taken to remove a bunch of extraneous extensions cords, plug strips, etc that had found their way into the mix over the years.  We also discovered the cause of the RF desk shutdown yesterday — a loose AC plug feeding the 12 VDC supply.

W1AAD is back on the air and fully operational with full internet gateway services installed.

W1AAD Antenna

W1AAD Antenna


“Back” of rack, showing Linux PC, DSTAR Controller, 2m RF Deck (Top Down)

"Front" of rack, showing the business end of everything!

“Front” of rack, showing the business end of everything!

Happy DPLUS Status Screen showing connection to REF069C and some recent users

Happy DPLUS Status Screen showing connection to REF069C and some recent users