Another Successful Hands-on Radio Event: VNAs

Last night, Paul K1YBE held another Hands-on Radio Event; a workshop on the nanoVNA ($50 to $80 VNA claiming 0 to 900 MHz a 0 to 900 MHz range).  After an introduction, the attendees broke into several small groups to work on installing the software, calibrating their VNAs, and using them to measure some different antennas.


Donation Button now available for Middletown Police Officer James O’Neil

At the last club meeting, there was a request that we collect donations to benefit the family of recovering Middletown Police Officer James O’Neil. Ted mentioned that over $100 was raised that night. We will have a donation button active on the website for the next few weeks if you would like to make a donation.

Please go to the “Pay Dues or Donate” tab on the website. It looks like this:

Then scroll all the way down to the bottom to find the James O’Neil button.  Click on that button, the one located on the “Pay Dues or Donate” page (not the button below, it is just a photograph so you know what to look for) to make any donation you would like.

Reminder: NCRC Meeting TUESDAY Oct 15 @ 7 PM

The October NCRC meeting will be on TUESDAY October 15, at 7 PM at KVH.

After our business meeting, where we will review past activations and our soldering class, as well as present a proposed list of officers for 2020, we will have a presentation by Mark Rudd, KC1LOM, about the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 landing.

**** Don’t forget TUESDAY October 15th ****