Menu has changed

In response to multiple requests to simplify things, the menu system has been simplified.

All activities and the club calendar have now been combined into a single tab called “Activities” – so you will find ARTEN, JOTA, Field Day, Net, etc info on that page.

The Members tab will undergo further changes but for now all documentation, minutes, reports, can be found there, along with For Sale items.

All Contact Us and About Us information has been consolidated and now appears on the main page (Newport County Radio Club), along with the club History.

MOTA-POTA-IOTA Lighthouse Holiday Adventure

Dec 18th   Summary

The gathering was a great success as an in-person club event. We set up and operated two stations; HF and D-Star. This was a great display of HAM radio resilience operating off battery in less then desirable weather.

We successfully activated POTA Washington-Rochambeau Mutli-state Trail(K-4582) and Case Mine (MOTA) for the first time. We also completed an IOTA (NA-031), on Aquidneck Island. Being 2540m from Hog Island Lighthouse doesn’t meet the 1 km rule but so what. More event pictures at:

Thanks to Nancy (KC1NEK) Austin, for making this event happen despite the rain and an unexpected family emergency. Great teamwork everyone! Thank you, Ted (W1GRI) & Mike (AA1XQ), for bringing your radio gear out in the wet WX. Thank you, Bob (WB4SON) Beatty, for the spot that got the frequency going. As a group we made 65 contacts total in just over an hour (16:46-17:49 UTC).

Stayed tuned for more events like this.