W1SYE Works VK0EK on Heard Island

NCRC adds another one to the DXCC count by working VK0EK on Heard Island.  One of the most difficult places on the planet to reach, Heard Island ranks as the #5 “most wanted” DX contact.  The contact was made on 30-meter CW, where the VK0EK signal was 3 S-units above the noise floor around 11 PM local time.

A real-time “DX Atlas” provides almost immediate confirmation of the contact.  See the bearing from Heard Island of almost 235 degrees heading toward W1SYE.



Posted in DX

NCRC Completes WAS

We are proud to announce that W1SYE has officially completed Worked All States (WAS) and the fancy certificate from the ARRL is headed our way.  Hats off to all the activators who have gotten W1SYE onto the air the past couple of years.  You’ve all had a part in this effort!

A special thanks goes out to Willy, W1LY, who has the honor of completing a CW contact with the last station to confirm via LotW: Doug, W7KF, in Montana.