Menu has changed

In response to multiple requests to simplify things, the menu system has been simplified.

All activities and the club calendar have now been combined into a single tab called “Activities” – so you will find ARTEN, JOTA, Field Day, Net, etc info on that page.

The Members tab will undergo further changes but for now all documentation, minutes, reports, can be found there, along with For Sale items.

All Contact Us and About Us information has been consolidated and now appears on the main page (Newport County Radio Club), along with the club History.

W1SYE.ORG Website now SECURE

We are happy to report that the changes to the W1SYE.ORG website that enables secure https: access have been completed.  This will avoid modern browsers complaining that the site is “not safe” or “not secure”.  So when you see the Green Secure icon you know you all interactions are encrypted and that the website hasn’t been hijacked.

Calendar/Event Function Added to Website

A new Calendar & Event List function has been added to the website and populated with a few upcoming events.  The Event List can be seen at the bottom of the news page (this page), or you may select the “Event” Tab in the black area beneath the masthead photograph.  On the Event Page, you may select a list view (default) or calendar view, if you prefer.

If you have an event that you would like to include, that is pertinent to NCRC members, please send the information to Bob, WB4SON