Travel to Boxboro Hamfest Aug 23

Paul Fredette, K1YBE, will be traveling to Boxboro Hamfest on Sunday August 23 and has a few spots left in his van.  If you would be interesting in heading up with him (he lives in the Portsmouth area), please contact him at:  PFredette at (The “.co” is NOT a typo.)


AUXCOM Training Available in late September

RIEMA is holding a free AUXCOM training class for licensed hams who have completed the required online Emergency Management Institute training (IS-100.b, IS-200.b, IS-700.a, and IS-800.b).  The class will be held Saturday and Sunday, September 26-27, 2015 at the RIEMA Warehouse from 8 AM to 5 PM. The RIEMA Warehouse is located at 279 Danielson Pike, North Scituate, RI.  The class is limited to 30 students, so sign up early.

You can sign up online here:

You can see more information about the class here.

Dry Run Fox Hunt: Beavertail Thu Aug 13 at 1900L

During the Fox Hunt presentation given by Jim, KA1ZOU, tonight, a poll of the members was given, and it seemed that having Fox Hunts on Thursday after work, or Sunday morning were the most popular choices.

With this in mind, we will be holding a practice Fox Hunt THIS THURSDAY, August 13, at 1900 (7 PM).  Our rally point will be parking lot #4, which is the first parking lot you come to after passing in front of the lighthouse (the lot faces Newport).

Our objective is to allow people to try different antennas (loop, beam) and try their hand at finding a couple of hidden foxes.

We will have a few antennas available to try (beams and loops) and a few HTs to borrow.

We also made up eight short RG58 cables to hook up HTs to homebrew antennas with alligator clips.  I you would like one, please let Jim know, and the cost is $5 to the club.

Finally, you can find information about Fox Hunting (gear, procedures, etc.)  HERE

Hope Island (there was Despair too)

Pete, W1LAB, and Evan, KC1EFE, provided the following pictures from the Hope Island activation.  That actually was the day after Despair Island was activated.


Evan, KC1EFE, at the mic, with his father to his left, and Jim, KA1ZOU, admiring the day. (Note the LiFePO4 battery running the rig on the middle of the table, and the larger marine battery running the laptop)


Panoramic view of the Hope Island setup — Gooseberry Island is off the coast of Hope


Evan, KC1EFE, at the control


Vertical Antenna used on most W1SYE IOTA Activations (Cushcraft R6000)

A potential future IOTA - Goosberry Island

A potential future IOTA – Goosberry Island