Successful club POTA at Ft. Wetherill

NCRC had a successful club Parks on the Air (POTA) activation on Saturday July 30th.

Twelve members of the Newport County Radio Club met at the FtWetherill Park (POTA K-2875) in Jamestown on Saturday July 30 for a Parks-on-the Air activation. Three stations were set up on this beautiful summer morning. Jim Gorman, KC1QDZ, successfully activated his first park on 20 meters. Willy W1LY, John K1JSM, and Jim KA1ZOU logged a total of 34 additional QSO’S on three different bands.

Other attendees: Bruce, W1UQN; Jim, KC1LYG; Evan, K1GEA; Bill, W3CJK; Nancy, KC1NEK; Paul, K1YBE; Art, N1AJG; and Bob, WB4SON.

Nancy KC1NEK has a nice write up with photos on our page here:

(If you aren’t a member of, please consider doing so.  This is a lively and active discussion group.  You can apply for membership (free) here: