Second Hands-On Radio Event, Saturday October 20th

Our second Hands-on Radio Event will be Saturday October 20th at Glen Park.  We will be operating a satellite station, so this is an opportunity to see one in action and make a contact of your own.

This is going on during our Jamboree On The Air (JOTA) event.  Because we have to wait for satellites to be available to work though, this event is spread out through the day, with activity going on from 10 AM until 8 PM.  Because this is happening over such a long time period, we will not be providing refreshments as we have no way to keep things cool/hot over that period of time, and no registration is required.

Please Note, while mist is OK, if it is raining hard, the satellite station will be off the air (the antenna system is not waterproof).  Too early to be sure, but at this point it looks like rain in the morning, but clear from noon on.  Keep an eye on the weather and plan your trip accordingly.

More details can be found on the Hands-On Radio tab.

Calling NCRC Volunteers for JOTA, Sat Oct 20th

At least nine NRC volunteers to meet with scouts to determine that Radio Merit Badge requirements have been fulfilled. This is not difficult because:

  • The material is well within the Technician License level of radio knowledge.
  • The intent is that the review is an easy-going conversation
  • The worse case is that a requirement is not yet completed, so advise the scout to keep working on it.

We are asking for four and a half hours, 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM, of your Saturday morning, October 20th.  Please sign on soon by contacting:
Jim Sammons, KA1ZOU.
(401) 295-5506

Successful JOTA Oct 20-22

Many club members participated in JOTA this weekend at Glen Park.  Rob KB1ZZU will have many details at our next meeting (along with some excellent photos from Dave KC1AAA), but in round numbers approximately 20 scouts participated with a large number obtaining their Radio Merit Badge.  Two VHF (analog and DSTAR) stations were fielded along with two HF stations.  The DSTAR Reflector was much better organized this year and allowed scouts to have arm chair conversations with other scouts world-wide.  HF propagation was pretty good with 17 meters open to Europe and Africa the entire time.  Dulcet CW Tones were even heard emanating from Rich KC1ARO’s station!

Special hats-off to Jim KA1ZOU and his team of instructors — there were many excellent comments about the revised teaching plan this year.

Successful Activation of Penikese Island

John K1JSM, Pete W1LAB, Willy W1LY, Paul K1YBE, and Jim KA1ZOU had a successful activation of Penikese Island (FN41mk) today, which officially became US Island MA060S at 11:06 AM local time.  The weather was dreadful, and most of their work was on 20 meters due to some issues on 40 meters, but a temporary antenna got them on the air on that band for their final 40 minutes.  They began operation at 10:25 AM and were off the air at 2:40 PM local time.

The crew sheltered under two tents on Penikese Island

Willy W1LY at the mike, with Paul K1YBE (left) and Jim KA1ZOU (right)

Another view of the operation with John K1JSM walking to his boat in the upper left. (That is the NE part of Penikese visible across the cove in the upper left of the photo)

They got hammered with at least two inches of rain in a few hours (parts of the Cape received 4″).

It’s a Wrap (JOTA)

NCRC just completed its fourth JOTA at Glen Park, and it was a complete success.  In the end, scouts from five troops participated.  Sixteen scouts completed their Radio Merit Badge, and 3 more have a few things to finish up. Although dipping down to just above freezing Saturday morning, the weather was fantastic; blue skies the entire weekend.

When the radio gear was setup, the RF conditions were horrible, the earth having jusy been pummeled by a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) the day before.  But by Saturday when the real RF fun began, things has quietened down, with lots of European DX to be had, as well as many stateside contacts. The scouts had plenty to choose from with two HF and two VHF stations in use.

A real surprise for the event was how busy DSTAR was with scouts from all over the world linked into Reflector 33A.  Thanks to Ted W1GRI for setting up a DSTAR radio for JOTA!

Bob WB4SON with Charlie at the Mic

Bob WB4SON with Charlie at the Mic