Congratulations to new hams and upgrades!

On Friday (June 4), NCRC held a VE Session as the culmination of online classes.  The club extends congratulations to the following:

  • Steven LaCroix, KC1EAR, upgrade to General
  • Crystal Thibault, KC1CAT, upgrade to General
  • Michael Rousseau, KC1NEJ, upgrade to General
  • Jared Morris, KB1JRM, upgrade to General
  • Thomas Hall, KW1TOM, upgrade to General
  • Mitchel Kloewer, KC1PKG, new Technician
  • Samuel Slezak, KC1PKH, new Technician
  • Lauren Perlmutter, KC1PKI, new Technician

Jack N1JK retired from VE exams? No Way!

Last year, Jack N1JK announced his desire to “retire” from administering exams.  In recognition of his 32 years of service, NCRC, donated a memorial brick in his name at the ARRL Diamond Terrace, as well as life membership to the club.

Saturday, after assisting at the latest VE session (8 licenses or upgrades), Jack received further honors.  Maria Somma AB1FM (ARRL VEC Manager), sent a personal letter to Jack, along with the latest six-volume ARRL Handbook.  ARRL’s RI Section Manager Bob Beaudet W1YRC also presented Jack with a plaque in honor of his service.

Jack N1JK (left) receives plaque from ARRL RI Section Manager Bob W1YRC

Jack with his ARRL plaque

NCRC Meeting for May

Our regular club meeting will be Monday May 10th at 7 PM.  Invitations to the Zoom meeting will be sent out by email to members later this weekend.

This meeting focus will be on Field Day plans, as the club is preparing a more traditional operation this year than last, as many members are now fully vaccinated.  The business meeting will be short.

Reminder: Tech & General Classes Start Next Week

Just a quick reminder that we are holding both Technician (April 20th 6 PM) and General (April 23rd 6 PM) classes.  As usual the classes are free and are held online.

If you have friends or family members who are interested, please let them now that they can register for the classes using these links:

The next set of Technician classes will be held starting Tuesday April 20 at 6 PM.  PLEASE ADD YOUR INFORMATION HERE

The next set of General upgrade classes will be held starting Friday April 23 at 6 PM. PLEASE ADD YOUR INFORMATION HERE