Jack N1JK retired from VE exams? No Way!

Last year, Jack N1JK announced his desire to “retire” from administering exams.  In recognition of his 32 years of service, NCRC, donated a memorial brick in his name at the ARRL Diamond Terrace, as well as life membership to the club.

Saturday, after assisting at the latest VE session (8 licenses or upgrades), Jack received further honors.  Maria Somma AB1FM (ARRL VEC Manager), sent a personal letter to Jack, along with the latest six-volume ARRL Handbook.  ARRL’s RI Section Manager Bob Beaudet W1YRC also presented Jack with a plaque in honor of his service.

Jack N1JK (left) receives plaque from ARRL RI Section Manager Bob W1YRC

Jack with his ARRL plaque