W1SYE Repeater Back On-the-Air

Thanks to Paul K1YBE, and Willy W1LY, for stopping by the repeater site and getting W1SYE back on the air.  We aren’t 100% certain, but it looks like the non GE controller may have failed.

The club is monitoring the situation and may have to take additional steps in the future if the repeater hardware has become unreliable (it also went off-line about a month ago).

Silent Key: John King

It is with great sadness that we report the passing of John King today (August 29) about an hour ago.  John was a very important member of the club, one of the founders of the 49ers, and held an A1 Operator Certificate.  The W1SYE repeater was a recent gift from John to the club.

Details will be announced in the future.  Several on-air events are planned, including a “Final Call” on the OSECA net (7:00 PM Tuesday September 4th on the KA1RCI network).  The VHF Net at 7 PM tomorrow, Thursday, is being run from the Portsmouth EOC.

Our thoughts and deepest sympathy goes out to his three children and to all those who feel this loss.