NCRC Scores in Top 10 for Field Day 2018

Under the leadership of Silent Key John King, WA1ABI, the NCRC Field Day 2018 effort was another one for the record books.  Using the call sign W1LY for the main stations, and W1SYE for GOTA, the club placed 10th nationally and in 2nd place in New England.  Please note that the top ten finishers are among all classes of stations (as many as 15 transmitters, we had 2).  Here is the list published in the December QST:

So how significant is 10th place?  There were a total of 2,903 stations competing so NCRC placed 10th out of 2,903 entires.  Within our own 2A class, we were second place nationally, out of the more than 1,200 stations in that category.  Only 403 more SSB contacts, or 202 more CW contacts would have gotten 1st place in category 2A.

John, you will be missed in future years, but you did an excellent job of showing us how to run the event safely and smartly.  Thanks to all the operators, the folks that helped setting up and taking down, and the wonderful cooks that kept us all on our feet.