NCRC Meeting Monday Oct 12 at 7 PM

Our monthly NCRC meeting will be via Zoom at 7 PM on Monday October 12th.  Expect to receive an email invitation in the next day or so.

The business meeting will include the induction of new members as well as regular committee reports.  The second reading of the proposed bylaw change will happen, along with a vote on the change.  And the nomination committee will present a slate of 2021 officers to the membership (the vote will happen in November).

After the business meeting, Jim Johnson, K1GND, will give a presentation on simple HF antennas that can be used by our new members.

Hope to see everyone online Monday!

NCRC Meeting Reminder: Monday Sept 14 at 7 PM

Our monthly meeting will be held via ZOOM at 7 PM on Monday September 14th.  Invitations to the meeting will be mailed out to members this weekend.

We will have a short business meeting, including the first reading of bylaws modifications.  After the meeting Wayne Hansen KC1MCW , with some assistance from Mark Rudd KC1LOM will give a presentation on “Flying the beam”, on navigation gear used by aircraft pilots.

Simplex Communication Drill Thursday Sept 10 at 7 PM

The simplex test event will be held on Thursday 9/10/20 following the usual Thursday W1SYE net.  Mike Cullen K1NPT has created a form to record results. Would be nice if folks could use it to report what they heard, not not mandatory.
The event will utilize the W1SYE repeater to coordinate the drill, and users should program their gear to use the repeater output (145.450 MHz) as a SIMPLEX CHANNEL.  This is called “Talk Around” and is a good place to meetup with folks if the repeater is not working.  The process will be as follows:
  1. Net Control Station (NCS Ted W1GRI) will poll the known list of call signs and then ask for any others who want to participate in the drill.
  2. Ted will announce the stations in the order they will be called. Please be sure you have / make a list of these stations.
  3. Each station will be called in that order and asked to switch to simplex and broadcast for about 30 seconds (to allow receiving stations to move around if needed).  Be sure to give your call sign repeatedly, maybe like “This is W1ABC, sleepy in Newport calling simplex on 145.450 for the Newport County Radio Club simplex test” repeating that two or three times.
  4. Simplex station will then switch back to the repeater and announce they have finished the simplex broadcast.
  5. Once the list has been completed NCS will ask for any stations wishing to repeat their simplex broadcast, maybe with a different radio or antenna.
  6. The list of repeats will be processed as above.
As each station broadcasts please note their callsign, and how well you heard them as follows:
  • FQ: Full Quieting
  • WR: Weak, Readable
  • HU: Heard, Unreadable
  • NH: Not Heard
Finally, net control will poll each station asking for their observations for each station and any comments.
Hope we can have some fun!
Ted  W12GRI

Improve your chances of receiving club email

From time to time, people mention that they aren’t receiving email from the club.  For the most part, the users are experiencing email delays that can take from a day or more to receive.  The folks seem to do pretty well, but those using gmail can really have issues as gmail will aggressively filter anything they thing is spam to protect their users.

On way to avoid gmail filtering is to add various club email addresses to your gmail contact list.  The primary ones you might receive email from are:, and  If you don’t already have these addresses in your gmail contact list, please add them in.