Newspaper Article and Dave Brown Photographs

Field Day 2014 is behind us (although Willy is probably still dealing with all the towers/tents/cables/etc.) but two nice things can help us remember what it was all about.

The first is a wonderful collection of photographs by our own Dave Brown, KC1AAA.  You can see those by clicking here.

The second is a very nice story that describes what Field Day is all about, written by the Editor of the Portsmouth Times, Jim McGaw.  Jim came by at the perfect time, when Rob White was helping a couple of scouts at the GOTA tent.  You can see Jim’s article here.

Field Day Update

It was a busy day today as the Six Meter station with Moxon antenna, GOTA station with 80 meter OCFD, and the four 45′ towers that are supports for two Moxons for 40 Meters, two tri-band beams, and a pair of 80 meter antennas.  The 6 Meter station was tried out on air, but there didn’t seem to be any openings.  The GOTA station seems to be working quite well into the SW, where the bulk of the Field Day activity will be.  GOTA operators were able to work any station they heard with just 10 watts of output power.

Click here to see  a brief (1 min) video showing the basic layout

Folks visiting tomorrow are reminded to bring their own chairs for the picnic or just relaxing outside.

Club Meeting Mon June 9, KVH, 7:00 PM

Our regular club meeting will be held this coming Monday, June 9 beginning at 7:00 PM, at the KVH facility in Middletown (for directions see: In addition to regular business, the meeting will be devoted to Field Day planning.

In addition, members are reminded that we will be running a HF station, open to the public, at the Beavertail Lighthouse this weekend. You are all invited to pop in and get on the air or simply enjoy the beautiful location.  For details see: