Meeting Reminder: ***TUESDAY*** Aug 13 @ 7PM

Please be advised that our next NCRC meeting will be on TUESDAY August 13th at 7 PM.

That’s right, due to the Victory Day holiday, our next NCRC meeting will begin at 7 PM on TUESDAY August 13th at KVH.  As usual we will begin with a brief business meeting.

Our guest speaker will be Peter Bartram, KQ1X.  Peter was a prior member of NCRC along with his dad, who was a past president.  He will be showing pictures and discussing Newport County Radio Club’s history.

Join us on Tuesday to learn of the storied history of NCRC.

(Just a heads up — you will be receiving a copy of a member interest survey via email.  We would appreciate it if you could take a few minutes and fill this out so we can try to match our programs to member interests).

NCRC Meeting Monday July 8, 7 PM at KVH

Just a reminder that we will have our regular NCRC meeting Monday night at 7 PM at KVH.

Our business this night will be very short, but will include a recap of Field Day, the Newport County Communication Test in late June, and the Beach Island Activation.

Following the meeting, there will be a presentation entitled “What every grandparent needs to know about the night sky”

NCRC Meeting Monday May 13 @ 7 PM

We will have a regular NCRC meeting on Monday May 13, at 7 PM, at KVH (75 Enterprise DR, Middletown, RI).

It will be a busy meeting.  In addition to the regular business meeting, we will be having the first reading of Constitution and Bylaw changes to clarify some membership issues.  In addition there will be a presentation by John K1JSM, and Jim KA1ZOU on QSLing and Logging.  Willy W1LY will be discussing some things to watch out for during Field Day logging.  And of course, we will be discussing Field Day itself.

Hope to see everyone there!

Meeting Reminder: Monday April 8, 7PM KVH

The second Monday of the month is just a few days away and that means it’s time for a NCRC meeting:  Monday April 8, 7:00 PM at KVH Manufacturing (75 Enterprise Drive, Middletown).

Following a short business meeting, we will be having a presentation on the Titanic Radios given by Mark Rudd, as well as an introduction to the upcoming Hands On Radio event in May on Software Defined Radios (SDR) by Paul K1YBE.

See everyone Monday!