Next Meeting, April 13 @ 7 PM, Will be on-air VHF

Leveraging our Amateur Radio skills, rest assured we WILL continue to have club meetings, even during this time of “social distancing”.

Our current plan is to hold our April 13th meeting on-air, using the NB1RI (KA1RCI) repeater network (the owners have granted us permission).  Most club members can access the network through the Exeter or Portsmouth node, although other nodes may be more appropriate for those living further away.  Details on the NB1RI Repeater Network can be found here.

The meeting will operate very similar to a traditional VHF net.  Ted W1GRI will be acting as Net Control Station (NCS) and will ask for members to check in beginning at 7 PM.  That process will act as our traditional roll-call.  After check-ins are complete, Ted will announce various agenda items and ask for the person responsible for that item to provide the details on-air, then solicit any discussion as required.

All members (and guest) are encouraged to participate.  Be sure to check your radio programming and charge the batteries before hand.  And do check our website for the latest club information.