JOTA 2020 – Helpers Needed

NCRC and Narragansett Council have teamed to provide an experience to Scouts in our area.  

Help is needed for Jamboree On The Air (JOTA) on Saturday October 17 at Camp Yawgoog.

JOTA is the largest Scouting event in the world. Held annually the third full weekend in October. JOTA uses amateur radio to link Scouts and hams around the world, around the nation, and in the local community.

Given the COVID situation, a one-day event is planned on Saturday, Oct 17 to allow Scouts to experience radio operations as an element of the Radio Merit Badge. In the past, this is activity was at the Glen but this year it will be at Camp Yawgoog. Pico balloon with APRS, HF/VHF/FT-8 stations, and Fox Hunting are committed. Can you provide an educational booth or HAM station that would excite scouts about being HAM! Join our TEAM!

NCRC members are needed to supply equipment and mentoring as Scouts attempt contacts with the worldwide community. Local VHF operation and satellite contacts are contemplated. Please contact John Vecoli at with your availability and equipment ideas.

Contribution of Radio Equipment from Werner Schmidt

A significant contribution of equipment and parts from Werner Schmidt’s estate was donated to NCRC for distribution to support radio activities.
Pictures and descriptions are at:

Interested in anything you see? Just email

Thanks to Dave Fredette (KC1EBB) for the pickup vehicle and cataloging. Please help relieve him of storing it. Dave Emond (KC1IPA) and I picked it up (literally) and moved it to KC1EBB’s QTH.
73, K1YBE

Work NE1RI on 2m & 70cm Simplex For Points

The Newport County Radio Club VHF station will be on 2-meter Simplex 146.52 MHz Saturday June 27 at 7:30 PM, and will switch over to 70-cm Simplex 446.000 MHz at 8:00 PM.  Anyone wishing to help the club with some Field Day points is encouraged to dust off your handheld radios and give it a try. You could expect to hear something like:

CQ Field Day, this is NE1RI

At which point you would respond with your callsign like this:

NE1RI this is WB4SON

Assuming they hear you, the club station would reply with their exchange “2 Alpha RI” (Two transmitters in the field with auxiliary power):

WB4SON  2 Alpha RI

And you would give your exchange “1 Delta RI” (one transmitter at home) in response:

NE1RI 1 Delta RI, 73 from WB4SON

If you happen to have a BaoFeng UV5R that was programmed by the club (there are 100+ members with that radio), then use Channel 10, which is 146.52 MHz, or Channel 13, which is 446.000 MHz

Note you don’t have to send in a log or even keep one unless you want to.  Besides generating a few points for the club, this is a great way to know your gear is working.

VHF Traffic Net for Field Day

NE1RI will be holding a NTS Traffic Net at 18:00 local time on Saturday June 27 on the W1SYE Repeater during Field Day for the purposes of passing Bonus Point messages.  Usually a single message is passed to the RI Section Manager Bob Beaudet W1YRC, and ten messages can be sent to anyone else.  NCS will be NE1RI, with an alternate of WB4SON.

N1CKT will be NCS on the regular Thursday W1SYE net at 7:00 PM, and will do a practice session for those interested after the regular net clears.

The standard ARRL Message Form should be used and a fillable copy is available by clicking on this link.

Chuck says the following YouTube video explains the process quite well:


Applicable Field Day 2020 Rules for message bonuses are:

7.3.5. Message Origination to Section Manager: 100 bonus points for origination of a formal message to the ARRL Section Manager or Section Emergency Coordinator by your group from its site. You should include the club name, number of participants, Field Day location, and number of ARES operators involved with your station. The message must be transmitted during the Field Day period and a copy of it must be included in your submission in standard ARRL radiogram or no credit will be given. The message must leave or enter the Field Day operation via amateur radio RF.

The Section Manager message is separate from the messages handled in Rule 7.3.6. and may not be claimed for bonus points under that rule. Available to all Classes.

 7.3.6. Message Handling: 10 points for each formal message originated, relayed or received and delivered during the Field Day period, up to a maximum of 100 points (ten messages). Copies of each message must be included with the Field Day report. The message to the ARRL SM or SEC under Rule 7.3.5. does not count towards the total of 10 for this bonus. Available to all Classes. All messages claimed for bonus points must leave or enter the Field Day operation via amateur radio RF.