New Ham Info

Various articles of interest to hams starting out in the hobby will be posted here

Beyond belonging to an active Amateur Radio Club like NCRC, one of the best things a new ham can do is join the ARRL (American Radio Relay League).  The ARRL is the national organization representing Amateur Radio in the United States.  Membership has  options to receive a choice of one physical magazine like QST, and can electronically access copies of the many others.  “On The Air” magazine is a great source of information to new hams, and you’ll notice several articles referenced below.  Please consider joining the ARRL.

NCRC is an Affiliated and Special Service Club of the ARRL and at least 51% of our members belong to the ARRL.   See our certificate at:  Newport County Radio Club 2023 Special Service Club

Given the long history of NCRC,  we are in the process of updating some of the links below and if they are not sufficient for your needs, please let us know.






Volunteer Examiner (VE) Manual  (for General and Extra Licensees)