Park On The Air Friday 1000L, 1400Z

**** 14:20Z. WB4SON on air CW 14.060 ****

**** 14:00Z. K1JSM on air 14.257 ****

**** 13:30z  W1LY on air 14.257 ***

The NCRC Activation Crew will be at Brenton Point State Park tomorrow October 2, which is POTA K-2870  They should be on the air by 10 AM local time (14:00Z).  Expect SSB operation on 14.265 +/- and CW operation on 14.060 +/-

Operators, using their own calls:

  • Willy W1LY
  • John K1JSM
  • Bob WB4SON

The following entities are activated by this group:

  • POTA K-2870 (Brenton Point State Park)
  • IOTA NA-031 (North American Island Group)
  • USI RI006S (Aquidneck Island)
  • ARLHS USA-0082H (Brenton Reef Lighthouse Historic)

In this view from above, the crew was located at the end of the park, located in the upper-right corner

Rich KC1ARO stopped by to say hi, as Willy W1LY was on the air and John K1JSM was logging

John K1JSM at the mic

A rare sighting of Bob WB4SON at an activation running CW

Equipment info:

  • Yaesu FT-897
  • PAR End-Fedz end-fed half wave 20 meter antenna
  • 30 AH LiFePO4 battery (Bioenno)

New Ham Info

Question Mark Response - Free image on Pixabay

A new tab has been added to our website “New Ham Info”.

This is part of our mentoring program for those new to the hobby.  You will find information on VHF/UHF radios and antennas, HF radios and antennas, Digital Modes as well as Morse Code.  Please check it out!

New Ham Info

Breakfast Meeting Link

Because the Breakfast Meeting Zoom Link was inadvertently published online, it has been deleted.  Participants will receive a new link via email for future meetings.

Please understand that the links from the first meeting in August and the email from early September will no longer work.

JOTA 2020 – Helpers Needed

NCRC and Narragansett Council have teamed to provide an experience to Scouts in our area.  

Help is needed for Jamboree On The Air (JOTA) on Saturday October 17 at Camp Yawgoog.

JOTA is the largest Scouting event in the world. Held annually the third full weekend in October. JOTA uses amateur radio to link Scouts and hams around the world, around the nation, and in the local community.

Given the COVID situation, a one-day event is planned on Saturday, Oct 17 to allow Scouts to experience radio operations as an element of the Radio Merit Badge. In the past, this is activity was at the Glen but this year it will be at Camp Yawgoog. Pico balloon with APRS, HF/VHF/FT-8 stations, and Fox Hunting are committed. Can you provide an educational booth or HAM station that would excite scouts about being HAM! Join our TEAM!

NCRC members are needed to supply equipment and mentoring as Scouts attempt contacts with the worldwide community. Local VHF operation and satellite contacts are contemplated. Please contact John Vecoli at with your availability and equipment ideas.