NCRC Meeting: Monday August 8

NCRC’s August meeting will be held in-person at St. Barnabas Parish Hall, 1697 East Main Rd,, Portsmouth, Rhode Island.  It will also be held via zoom

For those attending in person, the doors will open at 6:30 PM to allow time for socializing.  The meeting itself will begin at 7:00 PM and will also be available for those desiring to join remotely using Zoom (invitations will be mailed later this weekend).

Following a short business meeting where we will vote on new members and discuss various club activities, Chris Lirakis IBM’s Lead for Quantum Systems Development, will give a presentation on the Future of Quantum.

A native Rhode Islander, Chris Lirakis AA9AL grew up in Middletown, RI down the street from
Peter Bartram KQ1X, and together they grew up immersed in radio magic and mischief. They
remain close friends and radio adventurers.  Dr. Lirakis left RI to receive his PhD in High Energy physics. He went on to become interested in the newer field of quantum information. A decade ago, in 2012, he made a career transition to IBM and helped the IBM Quantum team grow. Chris is responsible for helping guide a global hardware ecosystem focused on advanced quantum devices. He divides his time between his home in Middletown and IBM’s Quantum research center outside NYC.

Successful club POTA at Ft. Wetherill

NCRC had a successful club Parks on the Air (POTA) activation on Saturday July 30th.

Twelve members of the Newport County Radio Club met at the FtWetherill Park (POTA K-2875) in Jamestown on Saturday July 30 for a Parks-on-the Air activation. Three stations were set up on this beautiful summer morning. Jim Gorman, KC1QDZ, successfully activated his first park on 20 meters. Willy W1LY, John K1JSM, and Jim KA1ZOU logged a total of 34 additional QSO’S on three different bands.

Other attendees: Bruce, W1UQN; Jim, KC1LYG; Evan, K1GEA; Bill, W3CJK; Nancy, KC1NEK; Paul, K1YBE; Art, N1AJG; and Bob, WB4SON.

Nancy KC1NEK has a nice write up with photos on our page here:

(If you aren’t a member of, please consider doing so.  This is a lively and active discussion group.  You can apply for membership (free) here:

POTA Change of Venue Sept 30


Sat July 30 at 9:30 at Ft. Wetherill Park in Jamestown.

The park at Ft. Adams, Newport is closed for the Jazz festival.

See attached maps. We will meet in the Parking Lot marked ON MAP BELOW with red balloon near the bottom of the map.


From Newport, turn Right immediately after the toll booths, sign to Jamestown, at stop sign Left turn. Follow road along waterfront. At stop sign (Narragansett Ave), go straight. Continue on Wilcox Ave, stay Left at triangle in road. First Right is entrance into Ft Wetherill Park.

Take the first entrance, then a right turn, and go halfway around the square.

Call either of the following cell phones as you approach for close in guidance.

401-258-8604, 401-595-9653.         Or use the W1SYE repeater, 145.450

Bring water and sun hat.

Hope to see you there!

Parks on the Air: Sat July 30

Newport County Radio Club Parks on the Air (POTA) Activity

When: Saturday July 30, 2022 at 0930 EDST

Where:  Ft. Adams State Park:   POTA K-2874

Who: All club members and license classes welcome

All members are welcome however those with a General license are especially encouraged to attend.

Optional: bring your own HF radio, microphone and the radio’s manual. We’ll try to use it to get on the air. POTA experienced members will provide help you might need to further your understanding of your own radio. In addition, batteries, antennas, turners, other HF radios, etc. will be provided.

Club members can participate in this POTA activity in two ways:

1. Operate on the air as an “activator” at the park using call sign W1SYE.

2. Operate from home and contact W1SYE as a “hunter” on the day of the event. Activators are listed on the following POTA web site:

Call the W1SYE activators!

Club members are encouraged to come out to our activation to share knowledge or learn about portable setups and operations, different modes of operation (CW, phone, digital), how to manage/work pileups, and even operate HF bands with a control operator in a relaxed environment.

Ft. Adams is in Newport. We will setup on the bluff behind the Eisenhower House. Turn left as soon as you enter the park.