WFD 2023 – It’s a wrap!

24 continuous hours of W1SYE ops at Glen Park concluded at 2:00pm Sunday, January 29th.  45 minutes later, HF station, tent, antenna, generator and all ancillary equipment was stowed away for next year.  Many hands make light work!

Roughly 925 QSOs were made using phone, CW and digital modes.  Nine bands were worked: 160m, 80, 40, 20, 15, 6, 2, 70cm and 2.4 GHz.  Just for good measure (and bonus points), three SSB SATCOM contacts were thrown in as well.

The weather fully cooperated this year with a high of 52F around 2:00pm Saturday and a low of 37F about dawn Sunday.  Contrast this with temps in the low teens with 2 feet of snow on the ground reported by one VT station.

Thanks to all who participated in any way, shape, or form.  73