Yankee Clipper Contest Club CQ WW

NCRC club member Dave Neal, W2DAN, is YCCC RI Area manager and wants you to be aware of two big CQ WW contests at the end of this month and next.

CQ WW Contest Dates

SSB: October 30 – 31, 2021

CW: November 27 – 28, 2021

Starts: 0000 UTC Saturday        Ends: 2359 UTC Sunday

Anyone looking to join the Yankee Clipper Contest Club ( http://yccc.org/ )  should contact Dave Neal

Email:  w2dan@arrl.net
Cell:  401-241-9888

Club POTA Event Saturday October 23rd: 11 AM at Colt State Park

We have just put back a POTA Tab on our website, which we will populate with information that might be helpful to POTA  Activators and Hunters.

More importantly, Next Saturday (Oct 23) Jim KA1ZOU, John K1JSM, and Andy AB1BX, will be holding a NCRC club-wide POTA adventure at Colt State Park in Bristol RI. We’ll be on the air with two K3 radios on 20 & 40m. The event will start at 11 AM. Club calls W1SYE and NE1RI will be used on air..

This is primarily a show & tell for any NCRC club member who has an interest. Other members who are POTA veterans are welcome and needed to help explain POTA operations to others.  Since this is an outdoor location (and stunningly beautiful too), this is a COVID safe activity.

You will be able to see the simple hardware (radio, battery, antennas) that can be used as well as electronic logging via laptop (N3FJP’s ACL – Amateur Contact Log.  In some ways, it is easier to get on the air from a car/truck/van than from a home location.  20m and 40m bands are excellent for working dozens of POTA contacts.

Be sure the check our website BEFORE heading to Colt State Park.  We may be able to provide some more specific location details.  Also, in the event of cancellation due to bad weather, will we post a cancellation notice on the website.

Email invitations will be sent out shortly to club members and will have a cell phone # for John Mills so he can help you locate the spot.

NCRC October Meeting MONDAY Oct 11 at 7 PM

Our October NCRC Zoom Meeting will be held at 7 PM on MONDAY October 11th (Yep Columbus Day).  In addition to our usual business meeting, we will present the proposed list of officers for the November election, and discuss the upcoming JOTA (Jamboree On The Air) event that will be going on October 15th through 17th.

Following the meeting will be an introductory presentation on Winlink, which is an email system used for emergency communications or remote locations only accessible via RF.

Invitations will be emailed to members the day before the meeting.

NCRC Meeting for September: Zoom @ 7:00 PM Mon Sept 13

Our NCRC Regular business meeting will be he held at 7 PM on Monday Sept 13th.

In addition to business as usual (3 new members), there will be a discussion on JOTA (Jamboree On The Air, for Girl & Boy Scouts).  Following the meeting, our guest speaker Chris Codella, W2PA, will give a presentation on Ham Blackout during WWII

Zoom invitations are being sent out late Sunday night.