Successful NCRC Meeting via VHF and Zoom

NCRC Conducted its regular club meeting via VHF (initially NB1RI network, then moved to W1SYE repeater).  While the initial roll-call took about 15 minutes, the meeting went very smoothly.  Thank you to all who participated on both the radio and Zoom (listen only).

We had a total of 27 members check in via VHF, with 3 guests joining us there.  The Zoom link, intended to be listen only this time, had 14 additional folks attending.  So a total of 44 members participated.

The official meeting began at 19:15 and was closed at 19:39.

Two of the three guests decided to put in member applications!

Thanks to all that participated, to the NB1RI network, and to those that helped with the Zoom audio (Paul K1YBE and Bob WB4SON)


Meeting Reminder: Monday@7PM via NB1RI or Zoom

Our next club meeting will be held at 7 PM on Monday April 13 on the NB1RI Repeater Network.  Anyone can join in using your VHF radio.  Details on the input/output/CTCSS required can be found on NB1RI.NET. In general most East Bay members will be able to use either the Portsmouth or Exeter node.  Get your radios programmed, test them, and charge the batteries before the event.

Ted, W1GRI, will be our net control, and you may have already received an email from him asking you to let him know if you plan on checking into the meeting via the NB1RI Repeater Network.  By knowing that information in advance, It will help speed up the check-in process.  If you know you will be on the air, please let Ted know by emailing him at

Please follow Ted’s instruction on-air so we can have an orderly roll-call (check-in).  Ted will announce various agenda items on the air and ask for those responsible for the item to comment.  Ted will then ask for questions over the air.  Due to FCC rules there will be no discussion of the budget this meeting, nor will there be a presentation.

If you do not have VHF capability, NCRC will allow you to listen to the meeting via Zoom.  You won’t be able to officially join in the roll call, but you may be able to ask questions via Zoom if someone is monitoring.  You may join the Zoom listen-only channel using your PC or via telephone.  Check your email for the details for participating via Zoom.

Next Meeting, April 13 @ 7 PM, Will be on-air VHF

Leveraging our Amateur Radio skills, rest assured we WILL continue to have club meetings, even during this time of “social distancing”.

Our current plan is to hold our April 13th meeting on-air, using the NB1RI (KA1RCI) repeater network (the owners have granted us permission).  Most club members can access the network through the Exeter or Portsmouth node, although other nodes may be more appropriate for those living further away.  Details on the NB1RI Repeater Network can be found here.

The meeting will operate very similar to a traditional VHF net.  Ted W1GRI will be acting as Net Control Station (NCS) and will ask for members to check in beginning at 7 PM.  That process will act as our traditional roll-call.  After check-ins are complete, Ted will announce various agenda items and ask for the person responsible for that item to provide the details on-air, then solicit any discussion as required.

All members (and guest) are encouraged to participate.  Be sure to check your radio programming and charge the batteries before hand.  And do check our website for the latest club information.

Don’t Forget NETS!

For those of us at home, looking for some social interaction, checking into nets can be an interesting pastime, Don’t forget that there is a net Monday thru Friday at 7 PM on the W1SYE repeater (145.45).  There is also a net at 8:15 AM on Sunday.

There is a HF net that General Class or higher hams can join on 3.900 MHz at 7:30 PM every Wednesday.

Some club members participate in another wide area HF net on 14.343 MHz between between 08:30 and 09:00 AM

And the statewide ARES net meets on the NB1RI/KA1RCI repeater network at 7 PM every Tuesday.