GOTA Challenge


Newport County Radio Club Get-On-The-air-Challenge

Your club is offering a challenge to all members to get on the air on the high frequency bands. The Challenge will start Jan 1, 2021 and is open to all members. Its primary goal is to encourage newer members and members who have not been on the air regularly to get on the air on the HF bands in SSB/phone mode. A General or Extra license is required.

A certificate will be awarded to anyone making 25 contacts during the challenge. We will also post the QSO counts on the club website. We ask for an email message from participants at the end of each month with a count of the number of HF SSB QSO’s made during that month. One does not need to submit a log.

Help is available for anyone needing assistance with an antenna, an HF radio, with understanding how to make HF contacts, logging software or any other radio issue. The Challenge is intended to be a learning exercise and club veterans are very willing to help participants.

GOTA-C communications will be via email to  Please send a message indicating your interest in the Challenge. We do not want to bug members who are not interested with unnecessary email messages.


1. Send us a message that you are all in for the challenge.

2. Send us a message if you have a question or if would like assistance getting ready.

3. Starting Jan 1, 2021, record your SSB/Phone QSO’s on any HF band. Digital modes, FT4 or 8, and CW do not count. Maximum power is 100 watts.

4. At the end of January, February, and March send an email message with the count of your QSO’s.

At the end of March we will evaluate the challenge, continue it, or modify it depending feedback and experience.

In the coming weeks we will be posting tips on how to easily find a QSO opportunity on the HF bands. For example, how to use the following: Parks-on-the-Air spots, DX Summit web site, Winter Field Day, SSB contests, and more.

Reminder: NCRC Meeting Nov 9 @ 7 PM via Zoom

Our next meeting of NCRC will be on Monday November 9th at 7 PM via ZOOM.  Members will receive an email with the invitation details on Sunday before the meeting.  We will have our usual business meeting, including the formal election of officers (see the list on the Minutes from last month).

The meeting will begin with a visit from the Vice Director of the ARRL New England Division, Phil Temples, K9HI, who will be asking members to file comments opposed to the FCC NPRM 20-270 which proposes fees for new licenses and upgrades.

After the meeting, Bob WB4SON, will give a short presentation about POTA, with information on how the program works, and simple gear that will allow you to “Activate” parks.  Following this presentation, we will have a Q&A discussion helping our newest members get on HF (or VHF).

FCC NPRM 20-270 – Fee for Amateur Radio License

The FCC has filed a proposal of rule making, NPRM 20-270, which impacts all radio services, including Amateur Radio.  It is proposing to add a $50 fee to apply for a license, upgrade, or renewal.  Of course there have been no license fees for many years.

The ARRL is strongly encouraging hams to file comments in opposition to the NPRM.  Please see their website for details on how to submit your comments and some suggested points to make.


The NCRC Parks On The Air (POTA) Group is growing, with many successful activations in the month of October.  Fairly simple radios and antennas are deployed in state or national parks recognized by the ParksOnTheAir program. An example of a recent activation is Coccumcussoc State Park in North Kingstown.  It was activated for the first time by Ryan KC1KUF.  Ryan, 14 and a freshman at North Kingstown High School, started working on his radio license 2 years ago, and completed his General this summer.  In that time he has become an accomplished Winter & Summer Field Day operator, so it is only natural that he would find new ways to get on the air in the field.

Ryan KC1KUF activating Coccumcussoc State Park. Gear: Icom IC-7000, 30 AH LiFePO4 battery, and 20-m HamStick antenna.

Sometimes a single operator is involved, and sometimes a few people join in to put multiple stations on the air.  It is a wonderful opportunity to get outside in the fresh air and have a chance to meet up with our fellow hams in a safe way.  If you would like to join in on the fun and be kept aware of new activations, please email POTA at

The November 9th club meeting (7 PM via Zoom) will have a short presentation on POTA, with plenty of time to ask questions about antennas, rigs, and batteries.

Congratulations new hams & upgrades!

Jack K1JK, with the help of many other VEs (Rob KC1ZOU, Mike AA1XQ, Mike AC1DV, Bob W1YRC, Bob WB4SON, John K1JSM, Willy W`1LY, Kelly K1GKW, Paul K1YBE, Nancy KC1NEK, Mary KC1NEB, Jim KA1ZOU, Rich N1ZSR, Mike K1NPT, Ed W1NQH), held a great drive-in VE session this morning; the crowning touch on the fall classes offered by Paul K1YBE and Bob WB4SON.

Congratulations to Scott Fetters and Kelley Lynch, who both passed their General.  And congratulations to following new hams, who passed their technician exam:

  • David Quinn
  • Thomas Hall
  • Michael Kelley
  • Patricia Sherblom
  • Jared Morris
  • Donald Kirby
  • Nicholas Macedo
  • Robert Daniels
  • Christopher Stenning
  • Mary Nassaney
  • Penny Crane
  • Robyn Linde
  • Marilee Jones
  • Anthony Macari