National Park on the Air: N1PSX, TR23, 14.252 MHz

Rich Russell (KC1ARO) and Paul Silverzweig (N1PSX) have hiked up in Northwestern RI to put “TR23”, which is part of the Washington – Rochambeau Revolutionary Route National Historic Trail National Scenic Trail, on the air (they are in the Parker Woodland.  They are using N1PSX as the call, and are on 14.252 MHz.

By the way, the pile-up is huge.  They are working a station every 15 seconds with no signs of it stopping.  And I can’t say this enough — they are doing a fantastic job of managing a large pileup.

This is a BIG Deal for the ARRL.  Much like the Centennial QSO Party, they have setup dedicated webpages for this, leaderboards, etc.  Once the QSOs are uploaded to LotW, you will receive your points for working that park automatically.

See this website:

Click on the “On the Air” tab and look for TR23 and you will see Paul and Rich’s details — as well as all the other parks on the air.

Once the LotW setup is complete NCRC member can start using the W1SYE call sign for other NPOTA events.

Rich, KC1ARO, making NPOTA Chasers Happy

Rich, KC1ARO, making NPOTA Chasers Happy

Paul, N1PSX, Dulcet Tones Make for a Joyful Pileup

Paul, N1PSX, Dulcet Tones Make for a Joyful Pileup

Passing of Dave Sagamang

Jason Sagamang’s father, Dave, passed away suddenly Sunday evening. Although he had some health issues, this was unexpected. Dave was the second of the three generations of Sagamang NCRC members (Dave Sr., Dave, and now Jason). Dave held calls KC0KDA and AC0CQ.

There will be a wake from 3-7 PM on Thursday (Dec 31) at Memorial Funeral Home in Newport. On Saturday (Jan 2), the procession from Memorial Funeral Home will leave at 9:15 AM for a funeral mass held at St Barnabas church in Portsmouth at 10 AM. Following the mass, there will be a service at St Columba cemetery in Middletown.

Winter Solstice Activation

Rich, KC1ARO, Paul, KC1AQP, and Paul, N1PSX, went to Arcadia State Park for a campout on the solstice and some radio activation. They made 21 contacts on 6, 20 and 40m. Some on CW, but mostly on SSB, running 80 watts from battery power.

You won't find fish in trees

You won’t find fish in trees

But you might find strange metal wire growth in trees

But you might find strange metal wire growth in trees

More Antenna Work

More Antenna Work

Happy Camper (unusual temps for the first day of winter)

Happy Camper (unusual temps for the first day of winter)

More fun than a tailgate party at Gillette

More fun than a tailgate party at Gillette

Yet another station

Yet another station

A lamplight QSO

A lamplight QSO


XMT2XMT — What the heck is that?  Well, it is Christmas Tree to Christmas Tree QSOs, of course!

John, WA1ABI, Rich, KC1ARO, Bruce, NJ3K, and Bob, WB4SON, have all used their Christmas Tree Lights and QRP rigs, and had CW QSOs using the lights as an antenna.

John's KX3 Operating Postion

John’s matching network shown — adjusting it with his KX3

Lights used by John, WA1ABI

Lights used by John, WA1ABI

Bob, WB4SON's,

Bob, WB4SON’s, Christmas Tree Lights with remote tuner feedpoint circled

Rich's station for XMT2XMT QSOs

Rich’s station for XMT2XMT QSOs

Finally an audio recording of the QSO between John and Rich

Christmas Party December 14

The 2015 Christmas party will be held again at the Mainstay Inn in Newport on December 14th. This event and location have proved to be comfortable, convenient, and the food is fine. Cash bar cocktails begin at 6:00 PM and the excellent buffet dinner begins at 7:00 PM.

After dinner we will introduce the incoming club officers for 2016 and then have some laughs with a Yankee Raffle.

This cornucopia of good cheer is yours for $33 per person. Call Ed Gosling at (401) 846-0812 to make your reservation. You can pay at the door, but do call Ed soon so he can plan gracefully. You are encouraged to bring a small gift to place on the Yankee Raffle table.