Rich Russell (KC1ARO) and Paul Silverzweig (N1PSX) have hiked up in Northwestern RI to put “TR23”, which is part of the Washington – Rochambeau Revolutionary Route National Historic Trail National Scenic Trail, on the air (they are in the Parker Woodland. They are using N1PSX as the call, and are on 14.252 MHz.
By the way, the pile-up is huge. They are working a station every 15 seconds with no signs of it stopping. And I can’t say this enough — they are doing a fantastic job of managing a large pileup.
This is a BIG Deal for the ARRL. Much like the Centennial QSO Party, they have setup dedicated webpages for this, leaderboards, etc. Once the QSOs are uploaded to LotW, you will receive your points for working that park automatically.
See this website:
Click on the “On the Air” tab and look for TR23 and you will see Paul and Rich’s details — as well as all the other parks on the air.
Once the LotW setup is complete NCRC member can start using the W1SYE call sign for other NPOTA events.