W1SYE activating Hog Island

Operating on 14.260 MHz, four NCRC members are activating Hog Island today:

Jim WA1ZOU, Evan KC1EFE, John K1JSM, and Pete W1LAB

Hog 2

Evan logging, and Jim at the controls (but distracted by the bay)


Jim’s on the air now!


Willy logging and Evan at the controls


Antennas and shack on nice pier


Meeting: Mon Jun 13, 7 PM, KVH

NCRC’s regular meeting will be Monday June 13, 7:00 PM, at KVH. Much of the meeting will center around Field Day (setup on Friday June 24, take-down Sunday June 26 @ 2 PM)

Ed Gosling, W1NQH, is asking that everyone be prepared to sign up for our Field Day picnic dinner, which is at 6 PM Saturday. There is no charge for the meal, but Ed has to have a count so he can order and prepare the appropriate amount of food. On Monday, during the meeting, you can sign up with your headcount, or you can contact Ed via email or phone.

Please let Ed Know if you are coming and how many people will be with you.

Ed Gosling, W1NQH: Edward.Gosling@cox.net, (401) 846-0812

We will have a presentation on International Space Station by Dan Barstow after the Field Day picnic on Saturday June 25 (8 PM at the Pavilion). Dan is the Education Manager for International Space Station, National Lab (CASIS), and also the Principal Investigator for “Windows on Earth” (http://www.windowsonearth.org/) the repository for astronaut photography. Dan came our way as a result of our ARISS school contact, and has just earned his ham license (for the 2nd time). Dan will join us earlier in the day for both GOTA as well as a satellite QSO.

Antenna Take-down Day at All Saints

Paul, N1PSX, Jim, KA1ZOU, Jeff, KA1NGP, Bob, WB4SON, and Mike, K1NPT went to All Saints Academy Saturday to remove the antenna array used for the May 6 ARISS event.  Arriving at 9 AM, it took less than an hour to disassemble the antenna on the roof. The Middletown Fire Department arrived at 10 AM and used their Tower Ladder to lift the antenna parts down to the ground.  By 10:25 AM, the job was done, and the ARISS event is just a fond memory!

FD Tower Ladder 2