Field Day 2016 runs from June 24 (setup) through June 26 at Glen Park, off Gilbert Barker Lane, in Portsmouth, RI.
FD Setup – Friday June 24
Contact: Willy Maclean W1LY – or – John King WA1ABI
Operations: John King WA1ABI
Tower Crew Chief: Willy Maclean W1LY
Safety Officer: Bruce Manning NJ3K
Hours: 08:00 – Sundown
Many volunteers are needed all throughout this day. All tents, ranging from 6-person dome tents to large military shelters, will be set up. At least four large Rohn towers will be erected. Three of these towers will be topped by HF Yagi beam antennas. All stations (except satellite) will be tested for operation on all bands by the end of this day. Some tasks require physical strength and/or heavy lifting. Some tasks, like running cables or helping with tent assembly, are less demanding.
Everyone must bring their own personal protective equipment on this day, including hard hat, work gloves and sun screen. Persons not wearing hard hats will be restricted from all areas where tower operations are underway – and this is virtually everywhere on Friday. Bring a hardhat!
Bring whatever hand tools you have available on this day – screwdrivers, pliers, wrenches, ratchet and socket sets, pry bars, hammers, gas solder tools, pocket knife, tape, rope, etc. Anything you bring will probably be useful. There is no such thing as too many tools on this day.
We will break for lunch at mid-day. Before lunch break we will take sandwich orders from the Clement’s Market Deli menu. We will send a runner to Clement’s to bring the food order to the site. You may, of course, bring your own lunch. Potable water is available on site. Bring a water bottle or bottled water or your non-alcohol beverages of choice.
Safety is our most important mission throughout the Field Day weekend. The Safety Officer (Bruce Manning, NJ3K) always has the authority to halt any operation at his discretion. Our Safety Officer has a deep background in public safety and field operations. He has your safety in mind. Comply immediately with any and all orders from the Safety Officer.
FD Stations A total of five different Field Day stations will be on the air starting at 1400 EDT on Saturday June 25, and continuing through 1400 EDT on Sunday June 26.
Get On The Air (GOTA) Station – HF 10-80 meters – SSB voice
Contact: Bob Beatty WB4SON
This station may be operated by anyone who has been licensed within the past year, and by non-licensed persons. An experienced General or Extra class operator will be present at all times to serve as control operator and coach. Operating style is relaxed. The GOTA coach will provide guidance as needed. This station offers newly licensed hams a great opportunity to experience HF operating. It also gives non-licensed visitors a hands-on demonstration of ham radio.
VHF Station – 6 meters SSB voice and CW – 2 meters optional
Contact: Chuck Kesson N1CKT
This station may be operated by any licensed Amateur. Operators are needed and everyone is encouraged to take a turn at this station. Operation is generally relaxed, although contacts may be fast and furious during band openings on 6 meters.
Main Phone/CW Station – HF 10-80 meters – SSB voice and CW
Contact: Willy Maclean W1LY
This station operates contest style, with rapid fire contacts on a fixed ‘run’ frequency. Operating shifts are pre-assigned in 4 hour blocks. This is an intense pressure-cooker operation. Operators should have previous experience in major voice or CW HF contests.
Main CW Station – HF 10-80 meters – CW only
Contact: John King WA1ABI
This station operates contest style, with rapid fire contacts on a fixed ‘run’ frequency. Operating shifts are pre-assigned in 4 hour blocks. This is an intense pressure-cooker operation. Operators should have previous experience in major CW HF contests.
Satellite Station
Contact: Bob Beatty WB4SON
This station operates part time, long enough to make at least one contact using an Amateur satellite. Operation is timed to coincide with satellite availability. Bob Beatty will be operating this station. Everyone is encouraged to visit this station in operation to learn more about this fascinating mode of Amateur communications.
Satellite Passes for RI during Field Day 2016 can be found here
Tentative Operator Schedule is shown below for SSB/VHF/GOTA
FD Teardown – Sunday, June 26
Contact: Willy Maclean W1LY – or – John King WA1ABI
Operations: John King WA1ABI
Tower Crew Chief: Willy Maclean W1LY
Safety Officer: Bruce Manning NJ3K
Hours: 14:00 – 18:00
Many volunteers are needed during this time period. Everything that we spent all day Friday setting up must be taken down, disassembled, and stowed for transport. Our past experience has taught us that tear-down takes far less time than setup – if we have enough volunteers. Some minor tear-down tasks may begin before the FD operating period ends at 14:00 hours, but the majority of work begins at 14:00. Some tasks require physical strength and/or heavy lifting, but many tasks on this day are less demanding.
Safety remains our primary mission during tear-down. Hard hats are required in all areas where any overhead work is being performed. If you assisted with setup, your personal protective equipment is likely to still be in your car or in the saddlebags of your motorcycle or pack animal. If not, bring a hardhat, work gloves, and sun screen.
Bring any hand tools you have available – screwdrivers, pliers, wrenches, ratchet and socket sets, pocket knife, etc.
As always, comply with any and all orders from the Safety Officer.
We strive to leave Glen Park cleaner and neater than it was when we arrived. Our future access to the site is dependent upon our continued good stewardship of this beautiful public property.
Picnic and Feeding: A picnic will take place at 6 PM Saturday June 25. Club members and their family are invited to attend. Please contact Ed Gosling to let him know if you will attend the picnic and your headcount. Ed can also use volunteers to help cook.
Guest Speaker: (After the Picnic) We are honored to have Dan Barstow, Education Manager for the International Space Station National Lab (CASIS) as our guest speaker. Dan is a newly re-licensed ham who is active in many aspects of the International Space Station. He is also the Principal Investigator of Windows on Earth, and a national leader in Earth and space science education. Dan was aware of our ARISS activity this year and was interested in experiencing a Field Day in person and hopefully making a satellite contact or two.
Bonus Points: The following individuals are responsible for acquiring evidence of bonus point completion
- Emergency Power (200 points) – Willy W1LY
- Media Publicity (100 points) – Bob WB4SON
- Public Information Table (100 points) – Bob WB4SON
- Message to SM (100 points) – Paul, N1PSX
- NTS Traffic (100 points) – Matt, KA1BQP
- Satellite Contact (100 points) – Bob WB4SON
- Alternative Power (100 points) – John WA1ABI
- W1AW FD Bulletin (100 points) – Bob WB4SON
- Educational Activity (100 points) – Bruce, NJ3K
- Elected Official Visit (100 points) – John WA1ABI
- Agency Official Visit (100 points) – John WA1ABI
- File Score via Web (50 points) – John WA1ABI
- Youth Operator Bonus (100 points) – Bob WB4SON
- Social Media (Facebook/Twitter) during Event (100 points) – Paul N1PSX
- Safety Officer (100 points) – Bruce NJ3K
Misc Information:
- Field Day 2016 Information packet and Rules
- ARRL Radiogram for message bonus
- Press Release for 2016
- NGO Official Invite
- Link to Patch article announcing Field Day