NCRC’s John King, WA1ABI, Places 1st in National FMT

Congratulations to John King for having the best frequency measurements during the November 2013 Frequency Measurement Test (FMT).  This ARRL sponsored event pits FMTers, across the nation against each other in an attempt to accurately measure the frequency of several transmitters located in various parts of the country.  John was able to measure frequency to 7 parts in a billion.  That’s an average error of 0.05 Hertz on the 40 meter band.

Mother nature plays a very important roll in the perceived frequency as various propagation effects cause the signal to appear on a different frequency.  Adjusting for those effects separates the true experts from the pretenders.

Third Place Finish for NCRC Field Day 2013

Newport County Radio Club/Sakonnet 49ers Placed 3rd Nationwide in Field Day 2013. Results of the top ten are posted below. Congratulations to all the operators and helpers!

This is the best finish and the highest score, along with the largest number of participants (back as far as the online records go). Prior to this the best finish was 7th place. Plus this marks the third time that we have finished in the top 10 nationwide.

# Call Score Category QSOs Power Mult GOTA Call Section Participants Club
1 K5UZ 20,696 2A 6,085 2 KD5J AR 10 Batesville ARC
2 W1NVT 13,876 2A 4,547 2 W1PU VT 30 Radio Amateurs of No VT
3 W1LY 11,130 2A 3,354 2 W1SYE RI 64 Newport Co RC / Sakonnet 49ers
4 N5KW 10,754 2A 2,685 2 NN5Q OK 16 Muskogee ARC
5 W5ZR 10,538 2A 3,171 2 W5RZY LA 30 LA Cane Field CC
6 WK5T 9,554 2A 2,631 2 NM 7
7 W8AL 9,424 2A 2,240 2 KD8XD OH 39 Canton ARC
8 W7R 9,306 2A 2,791 2 W7Y WWA 21 Pacific Co ARC
9 N3IC 9,278 2A 2,696 2 K3MZ MDC 17 Randallstown ARC
10 W6KB 9,254 2A 2,832 2 W6SG SF 42 REDXA & Marin ARS

The initial results reported by the ARRL indicated the club was in 4th place, but they have corrected their mistake.

Annual Dinner Party, 6 PM December 9 at Mainstay Suites

The annual Christmas Party will be held at the Mainstay Suites beginning with a cash bar at 6 PM.  There will be a buffet dinner, featuring Steamship Round.  Following dinner, there will be a Yankee Gift Swap.  The cost is $30 per person, and please bring a gift for the Yankee Swap.  The food is excellent and the gift swap is sure to instill loathing for years to come!

Contact Ed Gosling, W1NQH to reserve your spot.

NCRC Accepting Donations on behalf of Steve Hodell, KA1RCI

Steve Hodell, KA1RCI, has, in the words of our own John Mills, probably done more for Rhode Island hams than anyone else.  Steve built a fantastic repeater network out of his own funds called the RCI network, which is an invaluable resource for Rhode Islanders.

Sadly, Steve has suffered major medical problems which have strained his family finances to the breaking point.  The club, at the request of the membership, has made a $500 donation, and is accepting private donations from members on Steve’s behalf.  By the end of the meeting, over $1000 had been raised for Steve.

If you would like to donate to this cause, please make your check payable to “Newport County Radio Club”, and send it to K1JSM, John Mills, and write “For Steve” on the memo line.  NCRC is a 501(c)3 organization, so your donation should be tax deductible.  John’s address is available on or in the member roster.

You can also donate using the PayPal donation button on our donation page.  But be aware that there is a small service fee deducted by PayPal, so if you want the full amount of the donation to go to Steve, send a check to John, please.