March 2024 Monthly Meeting

NCRC’s March 2024 Meeting will be a hybrid in-person and Zoom meeting from 7:00pm to 8:15pm on Monday, March 11.  The ZOOM invitation was provided by email.  In-person will be at St. Barnabas Parish Hall, 1697 East Main Rd. at Fairview Lane, Portsmouth, RI.  Doors open at 6:00pm for setup and 6:30 for socializing.  Zoom should be up and running by then.  Join us!  March Minutes and Business Meeting slides will be posted as available.

Following the business meeting, Paul Fredette K1YBE will provide a presentation entitled, “A History of Electronics – Amber to Quantum Dots”

Please review February Business Meeting Minutes ( and 2024Financials.xlsx ( on the website and be prepared to discuss and vote on them.

February 2024 Monthly Meeting

NCRC’s February 2024 Meeting will be a hybrid in-person and Zoom meeting from 7:00pm to 8:15pm on Monday, February 12.  A ZOOM invitation will be sent out the weekend before.  In-person will be at St. Barnabas Parish Hall, 1697 East Main Rd. at Fairview Lane, Portsmouth, RI.  Minutes and Business Meeting slides will be posted as available.

Following the business meeting, WB4SON will provide a presentation entitled, “Portable Operation Power.”

Doors open at 6:00pm for setup and 6:30 for socializing.  Zoom should be up and running by then.  Join us!

WFD 2024 is in the books!

I want to thank everyone who helped with Winter Field Day 2024. NCRC operated 1O phone only (1 station, outdoors) this year instead of the usual 2O phone & CW.  We completed 748 HF Contacts, 1 satellite QSO, and sent and received 1 Winlink Message. We did not have the best weather this year.  Weather was fine on Saturday, but Sunday was raining all day and cold. However, it was nice and cozy in ticket booth shack.  Midnight to 8 am we had no operators so we had to shut down the station.  Again, Thank You to all.

Dave Neal W2DAN

First Meeting of the New Year!

NCRC’s January 2024 Meeting will be a hybrid in-person and Zoom meeting from 7:00pm to 8:15pm on Monday, January 8.  A ZOOM invitation will be sent out the weekend before.  In-person will be at St. Barnabas Parish Hall, 1697 East Main Rd. at Fairview Lane, Portsmouth, RI.  Minutes and Business Meeting slides will be posted as available.

Doors open at 6:00pm for setup and 6:30 for socializing.  Zoom should be up and running by then.  Join us!

Save the Date: Outdoor Adventure and 75th Anniversary September 15th!!!

The club has reserved a large pavilion at Colt State Park for Sunday September 15th, 2024. We will hold our third annual Pete Lawson Outdoor Adventure (PLOA) on that date, and will likely be formally celebrating our 75th year of being an ARRL Affiliated Club (July 18, 1949).

Stay tuned for more information in the days ahead!

Colt Park pavilion reserved for Sunday September 15, 2024