Get On The Air Challenge

Those of you who have been joining our monthly Zoom meetings know that we have a Get On The Air Challenge underway for at least the first quarter of 2021. The objective is to work as many SSB contacts as possible on the HF bands.  All you need to do to participate is to keep count of your HF SSB contacts and report them at the end of each month (just the count, no details on the QSO required).  If there is enough interest, we will extend the challenge throughout the year.  There will be prizes awarded in the form of certificates and bragging rights.  Email your results (or questions) to

Also, so you can be kept advised of the goings on for the GOTA Challenge, please email to let the folks know you are participating.

It goes without saying that Parks On The Air SSB contacts count as well, so you can operate as a Hunter or Activator and get credit for both POTA and GOTA.

Have a safe and happy 2021, and hope to hear you all on the air soon.

Repeater Repair Fundraiser

By this point, members should have received an email asking those that are able to participate in a fundraiser with proceeds going toward the repair of our ailing 145.45 W1SYE repeater. The first $2,500 of donations will be matched by sponsors, potentially doubling your gift.  Any donation amount would be appreciated.

A “Donation” button can be found at the bottom of our “Pay Dues or Donate” tab.  Of course you may also mail checks to:

P.O.BOX 3103
Newport, RI 02840

NCRC is a 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization, so your dentations are fully tax deductible.

End of Year Party – Monday Dec 14 @ 7 PM

The NCRC annual year-end party will be held via ZOOM on December 14th at 7 PM (our usual 2nd Monday meeting time).  Our business meeting will be VERY short, just long enough to vote on 3 new member applicants and update the membership on our ongoing fundraiser for repeater repair. Once that meeting closes, the fun begins.

We will have a review of what was accomplished in 2020 (an significant amount considering the pandemic touched every part of our activities), and a peaceful, non-controversial transition of power to the new leadership team. The party will wrap up with an online treasure hut with prizes (Nice HF antenna, memberships, T-shirts and others) for those that find the most items in their home.

So please plan on joining us Monday at 7 PM.  Silly sweaters or other holiday attire are encouraged, along with liquid libation and meals/snacks per your liking.

GOTA Challenge


Newport County Radio Club Get-On-The-air-Challenge

Your club is offering a challenge to all members to get on the air on the high frequency bands. The Challenge will start Jan 1, 2021 and is open to all members. Its primary goal is to encourage newer members and members who have not been on the air regularly to get on the air on the HF bands in SSB/phone mode. A General or Extra license is required.

A certificate will be awarded to anyone making 25 contacts during the challenge. We will also post the QSO counts on the club website. We ask for an email message from participants at the end of each month with a count of the number of HF SSB QSO’s made during that month. One does not need to submit a log.

Help is available for anyone needing assistance with an antenna, an HF radio, with understanding how to make HF contacts, logging software or any other radio issue. The Challenge is intended to be a learning exercise and club veterans are very willing to help participants.

GOTA-C communications will be via email to  Please send a message indicating your interest in the Challenge. We do not want to bug members who are not interested with unnecessary email messages.


1. Send us a message that you are all in for the challenge.

2. Send us a message if you have a question or if would like assistance getting ready.

3. Starting Jan 1, 2021, record your SSB/Phone QSO’s on any HF band. Digital modes, FT4 or 8, and CW do not count. Maximum power is 100 watts.

4. At the end of January, February, and March send an email message with the count of your QSO’s.

At the end of March we will evaluate the challenge, continue it, or modify it depending feedback and experience.

In the coming weeks we will be posting tips on how to easily find a QSO opportunity on the HF bands. For example, how to use the following: Parks-on-the-Air spots, DX Summit web site, Winter Field Day, SSB contests, and more.

Reminder: NCRC Meeting Nov 9 @ 7 PM via Zoom

Our next meeting of NCRC will be on Monday November 9th at 7 PM via ZOOM.  Members will receive an email with the invitation details on Sunday before the meeting.  We will have our usual business meeting, including the formal election of officers (see the list on the Minutes from last month).

The meeting will begin with a visit from the Vice Director of the ARRL New England Division, Phil Temples, K9HI, who will be asking members to file comments opposed to the FCC NPRM 20-270 which proposes fees for new licenses and upgrades.

After the meeting, Bob WB4SON, will give a short presentation about POTA, with information on how the program works, and simple gear that will allow you to “Activate” parks.  Following this presentation, we will have a Q&A discussion helping our newest members get on HF (or VHF).