Successful Zoom Club Meeting Last Night

NCRC held its May club meeting via Zoom last night.  Things went very well.  We had 48 people in attendance, which is a bit more than one of our traditional in-person meetings.  It was nice to see members in FLA (Pete W1LAB), PA (Bruce NJ3K), and NH (Art W1AGW) join in as well.  The business meeting ran just about an hour, including a long discussion of Field Day 2020, with two new members being voted into membership.  Congratulations:

      • Paul Perrone, KB1QWY, South Kingstown
      • John Jackman, N1SMX, North Kingstown

After the meeting there was a 30 minute presentation on learning Morse Code given by Bob WB4SON.  The slides can be found here.

Perhaps the best part of the night was the 30 minutes that followed the presentation, with very lively conversation among the 40+ remaining members.  A good time was had by all.

Several folks offered up some interesting books on the history of Morse Code and telegraphy in general.  Thanks (Peter KQ1X and Bruce NJ3K) including these titles:

  • “The Victorian Internet”, by Tom Standage in 1998 and 1999 the later is paperback
  • “A Thread Across The Ocean”, by John Steele Gordon published in 2003
  • “Signor Marconi’s Magic Box”, by Gavin Weighman Published in 2003
  • “Engineers & Electrons A Century of the IEEE 1884-1984”, by John D. Ryder
  • “Mr. Lincolns T-Mails”, by Tom Wheeler
  • “The Telegraph in America”, by David Hochfelder

Meeting Monday May 11 @ 7 PM via ZOOM

In keeping with our goal to continue to provide fun for our members while remaining safe, our next club meeting will be on Monday May 11th at 7 PM via Zoom We will have our usual business meeting along with an extended discussion of our Field Day plans.  Following the meeting, Bob WB4SON will give a brief presentation on Learning Morse Code.

Invitations to join the Zoom meeting will be sent out via eMail.  Usually it is no more complicated than clicking on the link within the email to join.  We will have the meeting opened up around 6:30 PM in case you need some time to get things adjusted before the meeting begins at 7 PM.

To avoid chaos, everyone will be muted when they join.  During the meeting, you can unmute yourself to ask a question or use the Chat feature of Zoom — sort of like sending a text message.  If you do use Chat, please send it to everyone (the default “to” choice).

For those of you new to Zoom, here is a link to a short one minute video explaining how you can join a meeting:

While you do NOT need an account with Zoom to participate in our meetings, you may want to setup a free account anyway by going to this link:

If you don’t receive an email with the meeting details, please reach out to WB4SON at GMAIL dot COM

Tech Class Starts Tonight, General/Extra on Thursday

There has been an overwhelming response to NCRC’s offering of a Technician Class and the General/Extra Study Group.  Over 50 students have signed up.

Classes are being offered over Zoom, which is the same conference tool the Board has been using to manage the club business during this time of social distancing.  Our regular club meetings will be using Zoom in the future as well.  Stay tuned!

Successful NCRC Meeting via VHF and Zoom

NCRC Conducted its regular club meeting via VHF (initially NB1RI network, then moved to W1SYE repeater).  While the initial roll-call took about 15 minutes, the meeting went very smoothly.  Thank you to all who participated on both the radio and Zoom (listen only).

We had a total of 27 members check in via VHF, with 3 guests joining us there.  The Zoom link, intended to be listen only this time, had 14 additional folks attending.  So a total of 44 members participated.

The official meeting began at 19:15 and was closed at 19:39.

Two of the three guests decided to put in member applications!

Thanks to all that participated, to the NB1RI network, and to those that helped with the Zoom audio (Paul K1YBE and Bob WB4SON)