New easy FM Sat in orbit, Fox1-Cliff (AO-95)

AMSAT launched another Fox FM Cubesat, Fox-1Cliff, on December 3.  It’s downlink is 145.920 MHz (Uplink 435.300 with a 67.0 Hz tone).  The satellite is still being tested and is not available for use yet, but you can easily hear the voice beacon every 2 minutes when it is overhead saying “Fox1-Cliff Safe Mode”.

I understand the best-guess object # is 43774, and it is showing up in various tracking programs as Fox1Cliff, AO-95, or object 43774.  (So many satellites were launched at the same time, 60+, that is too early to tell them apart.)

Check out the tracking program above and you should be able to hear the voice beacon (only on for about 14 seconds every 120 seconds).

Reminder: 1st Thursday Breakfast at Rome Point Cafe in NK

Just a reminder for the Thursday breakfast crowd that usually gets together at Chelsea’s.  On the FIRST THURSDAY of the month some of us will be having breakfast at Rome Point Cafe in North Kingstown to give the West Bay folks a chance to not drive so far once a month.  We get there around 7:45-8 AM and usually are eating by 8:15 AM.

Folks are welcomed to join us!

Reminder: Deadline for Dinner Reservations

Just a reminder that we need to turn in a count for the dinner in a week.  You can pay online if you go to the “Dinner Party” tab which has all the details about the party.

If you plan on paying at the door (cash or check), please let Jim Sammons know so we can be sure to have enough food on hand.

MOST IMPORTANTLY, if you aren’t going, please send Jim an email saying you can’t attend.  This will avoid interrupting you with further emails or phone calls.

Please contact Jim at

NCRC Officers for 2019

The following officers were elected by the membership during the regular November 12 meeting:

  • President Dick Bianco KC1IPJ
  • Vice President Jim Sammons KA1ZOU
  • Secretary Bob Beatty WB4SON
  • Treasurer Ted Wrobel W1GRI
  • Director (ex President) Paul Fredette K1YBE
  • Director Willy MacLean W1LY
  • Director Paul Wynn AC1DW

Thanks to all for agreeing to serve, and congratulations!

NCRC Scores in Top 10 for Field Day 2018

Under the leadership of Silent Key John King, WA1ABI, the NCRC Field Day 2018 effort was another one for the record books.  Using the call sign W1LY for the main stations, and W1SYE for GOTA, the club placed 10th nationally and in 2nd place in New England.  Please note that the top ten finishers are among all classes of stations (as many as 15 transmitters, we had 2).  Here is the list published in the December QST:

So how significant is 10th place?  There were a total of 2,903 stations competing so NCRC placed 10th out of 2,903 entires.  Within our own 2A class, we were second place nationally, out of the more than 1,200 stations in that category.  Only 403 more SSB contacts, or 202 more CW contacts would have gotten 1st place in category 2A.

John, you will be missed in future years, but you did an excellent job of showing us how to run the event safely and smartly.  Thanks to all the operators, the folks that helped setting up and taking down, and the wonderful cooks that kept us all on our feet.