W1SYE Repeater Off Air – Use Output as Simplex

The W1SYE repeater is temporarily off the air due to lack of AC power at the site. The nightly NCRC net is still being held weeknights at 19:00 hours, simplex on the output frequency 145.450 MHz. We have relay stations for the Warren net control in Coventry, Portsmouth, and Middletown.

The repeater will likely be off the air for a week or two, but this is an outstanding training opportunity for everyone to practice simplex net operation.

Technician Class Begins Tuesday October 7th, from 7 PM until 9:30 PM, Portsmouth Fire Station

NCRC will be holding a six week long Technician Class beginning on Tuesday October 7, 2014.  Each class will run from 7:00 PM until 9:30 PM, and will be held at the Portsmouth Fire Station Training Room (upstairs).  An exam will be given on Tuesday November 18 at 7:00 PM.

Students will pay half the cost of the training material ($10), and will pay for their exam fee ($15).

Those students that pass their exam and pay two years worth of dues ($50) will receive a pre-programmed HT as soon as their call sign appears in the FCC database.

Those interested in the course should pre-register online to ensure they have a spot as the class size is limited to 12 students.  To pre-register, CLICK HERE

Club Meeting Monday Sept 8 at 7:00 PM

The next meeting of NCRC will be held Monday, Sept 8th, at 7:00 PM at KVH (75 Enterprise Drive Middletown, RI 02842).

We will review the fantastically successful series of Narragansett Bay Island activations, as well as provide information on the upcoming Jamboree on the Air October 17-19th.

Following a short business meeting, there will be a presentation by Bob, WB4SON, on “Cubesats”, the latest low-cost satellite technology that has allowed hams to launch four new satellites into orbit in the past 9 months.

Maine, Final State for W1AW/portable is On the Air This Week

W1AW/1 is operating portable from the State of Maine through 23:59 UTC on September 2nd.  Those lucky enough to make contact will W1AW in all 50 states will receive a special Centennial WAS Award from the ARRL.  (There is also a plaque that will be available).

If you have missed some of the states, don’t miss various second chances during the remainder of the year.  See the Official Schedule for details

W1AW/1 Portable in Rhode Island will be back on the air during the November Sweepstakes.