Patience Island Activated

NCRC Members Jim, KA1ZOU, Evan, K1GEA, John, K1JSM, and Pete, W1LAB are activating Patience Island On The Air near 14.262 MHz.  This is US Island On The Air RI024S (or will be once they make it official).

Jim, Evan, and John on Patience Island (Pete behind the lens)

Jim, Evan, and John on Patience Island (Left to Right with Pete behind the lens)


View of antenna mounted a few feet from tide line, with radio shelter in the background

Nice view from the operating position

Nice view from the operating position — see how close the antenna is to the water, the key to success

Transportation to the island is via boat -- that beautiful hard bottomed inflatable on the right

Transportation to the island is via boat — “Goblin” the hard bottomed inflatable on the right

Field Day 2016 is a Wrap

It’s now just a fond memory; Field Day 2016 is now in the books.  Great fun, great food, great teams, and great results.  It looks like our score will be up this year.

A wonderful visitor to Glen Park, David Brown, took the time to provide a unique view of Field Day with this Drone video.  It’s 2 minutes long:

David will be talking about the equipment used to make the video at our next meeting!

Field Day Preparations Almost Complete

The heavy-lifting antenna crew erected four towers today, supporting three tri-band beams, two moxon antennas, and a 80/40m fan dipole,  By 4 PM the tents were up, feedlines installed, and on-air tests completed.

From left to right - CW tent, tower and moxon.  GOTA tower and fan dipole, Phone tower and moxon.  6 meter moxon.

From left to right – CW tent, tower and moxon. GOTA tower and fan dipole, Phone tower and moxon. 6 meter moxon.

Testing this early morning indicated excellent antenna performance on 80/40/20 meters.  15 meter was dead along with 10 meters.  5 watts to our antennas would yield 15 dB above the noise floor signals in the middle of the country.  So add about 13 more dB for 100 watts, and the signal levels will eexcellent.

Three Days Until Field Day Starts!

As this is posted, there are less than 73 hours to go until Field Day begins.

While it might anger the weather gods, things are forecast to be pretty nice with a storm clearing out around sunrise on Friday, and clear weather, highs in the upper 70s, lows around 60 and low humidity, around for Field Day.

FD 2016 WX

Don’t forget to contact Ed Gosling about your picnic dinner count (Saturday at 6 PM),

Also don’t forget our special speaker at 8 PM Saturday in the Pavilion.  Dan Barstow, the Director of Education for the International Laboratory on the International Space Station will be speaking with us.

Check out the Field Day page to see how you can help with set-up and take-down on Friday and Sunday.

W1SYE activating Hog Island

Operating on 14.260 MHz, four NCRC members are activating Hog Island today:

Jim WA1ZOU, Evan KC1EFE, John K1JSM, and Pete W1LAB

Hog 2

Evan logging, and Jim at the controls (but distracted by the bay)


Jim’s on the air now!


Willy logging and Evan at the controls


Antennas and shack on nice pier