Next NCRC Meeting MONDAY Nov 12 at 7 PM


Despite the fact that Monday Nov 12th is the observed Veteran’s Day holiday, KVH will be open that Monday, so we will have our meeting at the usual time.

This meeting will be the election for officers for the 2019 year.  Our nomination committee will report the slate of officers, but anyone is invited to run for any position, and the vote for officers will take place.  In addition Rob KB1ZZU and Jim KA1ZOU will be reporting on JOTA, and we may have Summer Field Day results (they haven’t been published yet, but since they appear in the December QST, it can’t be much longer).

Second Hands-On Radio Event, Saturday October 20th

Our second Hands-on Radio Event will be Saturday October 20th at Glen Park.  We will be operating a satellite station, so this is an opportunity to see one in action and make a contact of your own.

This is going on during our Jamboree On The Air (JOTA) event.  Because we have to wait for satellites to be available to work though, this event is spread out through the day, with activity going on from 10 AM until 8 PM.  Because this is happening over such a long time period, we will not be providing refreshments as we have no way to keep things cool/hot over that period of time, and no registration is required.

Please Note, while mist is OK, if it is raining hard, the satellite station will be off the air (the antenna system is not waterproof).  Too early to be sure, but at this point it looks like rain in the morning, but clear from noon on.  Keep an eye on the weather and plan your trip accordingly.

More details can be found on the Hands-On Radio tab.

Are you interested in a General/Extra Seminar?

Paul Fredette, K1YBE, is planning to hold a seminar intended to help folks who are studying for the General or Extra exam.  He will cover subjects like AC Circuit analysis, antennas, propagation, etc. which tend to be challenging.  Rules&regulations, band plans, and other memorization items will mostly be left to the student.

The seminar is scheduled to begin this coming TUESDAY September 18, at 5:30 PM at St Lucy’s Church, 909 West Main ST in Middletown.  If you are interested, please let Paul know ASAP. You can contact Paul directly, or call him via phone:
Paul’s email:
Paul’s phone:  401-339-3024

An excellent study tool can be found at  If you register at the site, it will keep track of your progress over time.  There is no fee to register.  You should probably begin by using “Flash Cards” and move to “Practice Exams” as you become more comfortable with the material.  Students can find study books at written by either Gordon West or the ARRL.  The ARRL books are far more technical.

W1SYE.ORG Website now SECURE

We are happy to report that the changes to the W1SYE.ORG website that enables secure https: access have been completed.  This will avoid modern browsers complaining that the site is “not safe” or “not secure”.  So when you see the Green Secure icon you know you all interactions are encrypted and that the website hasn’t been hijacked.