Hands-On Radio Event #7: Using a VNA October 21st

Our Seventh Hands-on Radio event will be held on October 21st, at All Saints STEAM Academy (915 W Main Rd, Middletown, RI 02842) beginning at 6:30 PM.

A new club interest group with the $50ish NanoVNA and other RF analyzers has requested K1YBE (k1ybe@yahoo.com) organize some hands-on experience with Vector (more than SWR) measurements of RF circuits and antennas.

Soldering Class: Oct 7 @ 6 PM at All Saints

Our Sixth Hands-on Radio event will be held on October 7th, at All Saints STEAM Academy (915 W Main Rd, Middletown, RI 02842) beginning at 6:00 PM (helpers asked to arrive at 5:45 PM).

Paul K1YBE will be leading a class on soldering & de-soldering skills, followed by the assembly of an small attenuator board to be used for Radio Direction Finding (RDF – Fox Hunting).  The soldering class should take about 30 minutes and assembly of the attenuator should take about 90 minutes.

Fox Hunt Offset Attenuator – 3rd Planet Solar / KC9ON

There is no fee for the soldering class, but there is a $5 fee to cover the cost of the attenuator (it sells for $8 plus shipping).

Bringing personal soldering equipment (iron, pliers, solder, desoldering equipment (wick or suction) will allow learning on your equipment.
Soldering stations will be provided for those not bringing equipment and to provide experience with various tools.

To help us plan, please register by filling in this short form

Meeting Reminder: Monday Sept 9, 7 PM @ KVH

Just a quick reminder that our next club meeting is Monday September 9th at 7 PM at KVH.

Following a quick business meeting, one of our newest members, Dr. Adria Updike, KC1LOK, a faculty member at Roger Williams, along with her student Jenna Lowe, will give a presentation on a high-altitude balloon experiment that they conducted this summer.  Adria was quick to apply her new ham radio skills as the balloon used APRS for tracking.

Hope to see everyone on Monday at 7 PM