FD 2015 — It’s a wrap!

Neither rain, nor wind, nor fear of dark kept the unflappable Field Day operators from completing about 3,200 QSOs this year.  Despite some nasty weather than began around 8 PM Saturday, so much water in the tents that that a hand key had to be used because the keyer became too waterlogged, tables with rigs blowing over, and the ever-infallible paper logs almost turning to paper mache, Newport County Radio Club carried on to the bitter end.

Things looked pretty rosy when the antennas were setup Friday afternoon.FD 2015 Panorama Resized

The GOTA Station was the held in a spacious BWT (Big White Tent — should be called a BFHT).FD 2015 GOTA Tent

Several members of the public saw and heard the action and stopped by to participate, including these young operators.RJ GOTA


But the weather wouldn’t hold — by 7 PM Saturday the skies were darkening, and it was lightly raining by 8 PM.  By 4 AM it was gusting around 55 MPH.FD 2015 Weather

By dawn things were still standing, but they had taken a beating.  The CW Beam was now pointing at Africa.  The GOTA Beam was a askew and pointing toward Alaska, and the GOTA tent was cattywampus.FD 2015 Bent

Despite the damp weather it was a great time.  Only 361 days to plan for Field Day 2016!!!

CW Class Begins April 12 in Providence

The Associated Radio Amateurs of Southern New England (W1AQ) will be offering CW classes starting April 21 thru May 26 (6 weeks) on Tuesday evenings from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. These classes are open to everyone who has a desire to learn code. You need not be an amateur to attend. Space is limited so registration is suggested.These classes will be held at the W1AQ clubhouse at 54 Kelley Ave. E. Prov. RI. Please contact Steven Desmarais, N1IBC at: n1ibc1@comcast.net or at 1-508-642-5582.


ARRL Accepting Centennial Point Challenge and W1AW/WAS Award Applications

The ARRL just opened up the process for obtaining a certificate for the Centennial QSO Points Challenge Award, as well as the W1AW WAS certificate or plaque.  Go here: https://centennial-qp.arrl.org/index.php  Use your LotW username/password to log on, and click on the “Centennial Points Challenge Award” or “W1AW/WAS Award” tabs along the top.

The certificates are $16 each, and the plaque is $60.  The certificates looks something like this:

ARRL Certificates

OSECA Net a Rousing Success!

The OSECA net debuted this past Tuesday, December 2, at 1900 local time on the KA1RCI Network.  By any definition, it was a rousing success, with 32 check-ins in just over an hour.  John King, WA1ABI, had the honor of being the first Net Control station.

OSECA stands for Ocean State Emergency Communion Alliance.  It was formed with a goal of providing a forum for those hams involved in EmComm throughout the state.  Representatives from multiple EMAs checked in (Providence, Coventry, No. Smithfield, Wakefield, Narragansett, Westerly, and Portsmouth, to name a few), as well as other served agencies and non-emergency public service groups.

The OSECA net is held on the FIRST and THIRD Tuesday of each month at 1900 local time on the KA1RCI Network.  Despite its focus on EmComm, all hams, especially those who are looking for an agency to join, are encouraged to participate.