Beavertail Lighthouse Activation

International Lighthouse and Lighthouse Weekend (ILLW) was held this past weekend, and W1SYE was on-the-air both days, making about 350 contacts with other stations throughout North America and Europe.  Several contacts were made with other stations participating in the ILLW.  Members of the public, enjoying the Beavertail Lighthouse Museum on a very nice weekend, stopped into visit, as did several members of NCRC, adding a few guest operators to the log.

NCRC member Dave Brown, KC1AAA, was there and put together a very nice picture book of the event, which can be viewed here: NCRC at Beavertail Aug 2013

Our thanks to all the NCRC members who made this event a success, and a special thanks to Varoujan Karentz, and the other members of the lighthouse board, who granted us access to the “Oil House” as an operating location, as well as use of the Lighthouse’s Vertical tower as an antenna.


Now Planning — Field Day 2014!!

You might notice that the timer widget on the right side of the page is now counting down from 367 days.  That’s all the time between now and Field Day 2014 that we have left to plan!  Field Day is always the fourth full weekend of June, beginning at 1800 UTC Saturday, which would be June 28, 2014.

If you have comments about what went right or what went wrong with Field Day 2013 (now in the history books) you are invited to Thursday Breakfast at Chelsea’s, located next door to the Red Cross Center starting at 8:15 June 27th.  Those comments will be used to assist in planning for next year.

Interesting Interview Concerning Ham Radio at the Boston Marathon

Gary Pearce, KN4AQ, who produces the Ham Radio Now webisodes, has interviewed the three net control operators who are responsible for the Boston Marathon and direct the efforts of approximately 240 hams before, during, and after the race.  The interview deals with the bombing, and has been split into two parts.

You can find the first part here: