W1AAD DSTAR Repeater Back on the Air

Another trip was made by Ted, W1GRI, and Bob, WB4SON, to the DSTAR Repeater site, to install a new UPS for the computer and various other internet devices.  The opportunity was taken to remove a bunch of extraneous extensions cords, plug strips, etc that had found their way into the mix over the years.  We also discovered the cause of the RF desk shutdown yesterday — a loose AC plug feeding the 12 VDC supply.

W1AAD is back on the air and fully operational with full internet gateway services installed.

W1AAD Antenna

W1AAD Antenna


“Back” of rack, showing Linux PC, DSTAR Controller, 2m RF Deck (Top Down)

"Front" of rack, showing the business end of everything!

“Front” of rack, showing the business end of everything!

Happy DPLUS Status Screen showing connection to REF069C and some recent users

Happy DPLUS Status Screen showing connection to REF069C and some recent users