NCRC Meeting Reminder: Monday Sept 12 @ 7 PM

NCRC will be having its regular meeting on September 12 at 7 PM at KVH.

After a brief business meeting, including voting on 3 member applicants, Jeff Greer, our host, will be giving a presentation on SpaceX. Jeff was an invited guest at a Falcon 9 launch several months ago, which is mostly what he will focus on, but he will also discuss the most recent explosion on the pad.

Also, keep in mind that the Columbus Day holiday falls on our usual Monday meeting date next month, so the October meeting will be on Tuesday October 11th.

Meeting Reminder: Monday July 11

There will be a regular meeting of NCRC at 7 PM on Monday July 11th at KVH.

Lots of fun things to discuss:  Field Day, Patience Island, upcoming activations

Following our business meeting, a presentation will be given by David Brown, the videographer who took the fantastic drone video of our Field Day operation.

Don’t forget to pay your dues — renewals were due in January, and members will be deleted from the roster by the end of July.

Meeting: Mon Jun 13, 7 PM, KVH

NCRC’s regular meeting will be Monday June 13, 7:00 PM, at KVH. Much of the meeting will center around Field Day (setup on Friday June 24, take-down Sunday June 26 @ 2 PM)

Ed Gosling, W1NQH, is asking that everyone be prepared to sign up for our Field Day picnic dinner, which is at 6 PM Saturday. There is no charge for the meal, but Ed has to have a count so he can order and prepare the appropriate amount of food. On Monday, during the meeting, you can sign up with your headcount, or you can contact Ed via email or phone.

Please let Ed Know if you are coming and how many people will be with you.

Ed Gosling, W1NQH:, (401) 846-0812

We will have a presentation on International Space Station by Dan Barstow after the Field Day picnic on Saturday June 25 (8 PM at the Pavilion). Dan is the Education Manager for International Space Station, National Lab (CASIS), and also the Principal Investigator for “Windows on Earth” ( the repository for astronaut photography. Dan came our way as a result of our ARISS school contact, and has just earned his ham license (for the 2nd time). Dan will join us earlier in the day for both GOTA as well as a satellite QSO.