Three Days Until Field Day Starts!

As this is posted, there are less than 73 hours to go until Field Day begins.

While it might anger the weather gods, things are forecast to be pretty nice with a storm clearing out around sunrise on Friday, and clear weather, highs in the upper 70s, lows around 60 and low humidity, around for Field Day.

FD 2016 WX

Don’t forget to contact Ed Gosling about your picnic dinner count (Saturday at 6 PM),

Also don’t forget our special speaker at 8 PM Saturday in the Pavilion.  Dan Barstow, the Director of Education for the International Laboratory on the International Space Station will be speaking with us.

Check out the Field Day page to see how you can help with set-up and take-down on Friday and Sunday.

W1SYE WAS and DXCC Standings

Past paper logs from various summer activations were entered into a ACL Database by Jim, KA1ZOU, and entered by our QSL Manager, Chuck, N1CKT into Logbook of the World (LotW).  At this moment in time, W1SYE has 46 confirmed states, and 25 confirmed countries in LotW.  2,934 contact have been entered so far, resulting in 840 confirmed contacts.

Screen Shot 2016-02-06 at 2.30.02 PM

What states are we missing?  Alaska, Hawaii, Maine, and Montana.

What countries do we already have confirmed?  A smattering from the Caribbean and Europe, and the official list can be found by clicking: W1SYE LOTW DXCC 25 Confirmed

A nice goal for the summer would be to obtain Worked All States (WAS) andd DX Century Club (DXCC) status for the club.

Thanks to all the hard working activators too!

Winter Field Day Noon to Noon Jan 30/31

Can’t wait until June to get your outdoor operating quota in?

NCRC will be participating in Winter Field day at Glenn Park.

Winter Field Day is January 30 and 31st from noon Saturday to Noon Sunday… so far we have commitments for operators from me, N1PSX, Rich, KC1ARO, Willy, W1LY, Dave, W2DAN, Paul KC1AQP, and Chuck, N1CKT… we could use some more…

Contact Paul, N1PSX, or Rich, KC1ARO for details

FD 2015 — It’s a wrap!

Neither rain, nor wind, nor fear of dark kept the unflappable Field Day operators from completing about 3,200 QSOs this year.  Despite some nasty weather than began around 8 PM Saturday, so much water in the tents that that a hand key had to be used because the keyer became too waterlogged, tables with rigs blowing over, and the ever-infallible paper logs almost turning to paper mache, Newport County Radio Club carried on to the bitter end.

Things looked pretty rosy when the antennas were setup Friday afternoon.FD 2015 Panorama Resized

The GOTA Station was the held in a spacious BWT (Big White Tent — should be called a BFHT).FD 2015 GOTA Tent

Several members of the public saw and heard the action and stopped by to participate, including these young operators.RJ GOTA


But the weather wouldn’t hold — by 7 PM Saturday the skies were darkening, and it was lightly raining by 8 PM.  By 4 AM it was gusting around 55 MPH.FD 2015 Weather

By dawn things were still standing, but they had taken a beating.  The CW Beam was now pointing at Africa.  The GOTA Beam was a askew and pointing toward Alaska, and the GOTA tent was cattywampus.FD 2015 Bent

Despite the damp weather it was a great time.  Only 361 days to plan for Field Day 2016!!!