The Newport County Radio Club VHF station will be on 2-meter Simplex 146.52 MHz Saturday June 27 at 7:30 PM, and will switch over to 70-cm Simplex 446.000 MHz at 8:00 PM. Anyone wishing to help the club with some Field Day points is encouraged to dust off your handheld radios and give it a try. You could expect to hear something like:
CQ Field Day, this is NE1RI
At which point you would respond with your callsign like this:
NE1RI this is WB4SON
Assuming they hear you, the club station would reply with their exchange “2 Alpha RI” (Two transmitters in the field with auxiliary power):
WB4SON 2 Alpha RI
And you would give your exchange “1 Delta RI” (one transmitter at home) in response:
NE1RI 1 Delta RI, 73 from WB4SON
If you happen to have a BaoFeng UV5R that was programmed by the club (there are 100+ members with that radio), then use Channel 10, which is 146.52 MHz, or Channel 13, which is 446.000 MHz
Note you don’t have to send in a log or even keep one unless you want to. Besides generating a few points for the club, this is a great way to know your gear is working.