Yankee Clipper Contest Club CQ WW

NCRC club member Dave Neal, W2DAN, is YCCC RI Area manager and wants you to be aware of two big CQ WW contests at the end of this month and next.

CQ WW Contest Dates

SSB: October 30 – 31, 2021

CW: November 27 – 28, 2021

Starts: 0000 UTC Saturday        Ends: 2359 UTC Sunday

Anyone looking to join the Yankee Clipper Contest Club ( http://yccc.org/ )  should contact Dave Neal

Email:  w2dan@arrl.net
Cell:  401-241-9888

JOTA planning underway.

JOTA-JOTI is the world’s largest digital Scout event taking place online and over the air. The educational event brings together more than 2 million Scouts every year in October for a weekend of Scouting and friendship.

NCRC has supported this activity at the Glen in Portsmouth for many years.  We are planning a number of activities but in the minimum you can participate from home by being available for QSOs with the Scouts. Save some time on October 16.  More at the meeting on the 13th and at  https://www.jotajoti.info/


ARRL ELECTIONS – 2nd Candidate to speak at the next meeting.

 Tom Frenaye/K1KI will attend our net meeting and give a 10 min  talk prior to the presentation on the Ham Radio blackout in WWI

 Update from Tom:

Tom Frenaye/K1KI – ARRL Director

I have a proven track record on the ARRL Board of Directors.  Worked to gain new 2200m 630m and 60m bands for Amateur Radio.  Supported ARRL’s Congressional and FCC efforts to allow antennas for hams living in condos and homeowner associations.  Strong supporter of ARRL Teachers Institute, Continuing Education, and Learning Network.

Who I am

  • ARRL Life Member, Maxim Society donor
  • Extra Class license, first licensed as a Novice in 7th grade
  • Very active on the air with 700k QSOs in Logbook of the World
  • Active on 160-6m, contesting, DXing, general operating, antenna building
  • Will be a full-time Director

Why I am qualified

  • Former communications specialist in Antarctica
  • Worked at ARRL in Newington as Contest Program Manager
  • Led 250 volunteers for World Radiosport Team Championships
  • Twenty+ years as an Information Technology manager, database designer
  • Former Mayor (First Selectman) in my town
  • Thirty years as ARRL Director and Vice President
  •                 Chairman of many ARRL Board committees
  • Twenty-five years as ARRL Foundation Director and President
  •                 Awarded 1100+ youth scholarships worth $1.4m+

What I care about

  • Preserving access to Amateur Radio spectrum
  • Good relations with the FCC and Congress
  • Modern set of ARRL services and publications with efficient headquarters organization
  • Fully supported group of volunteers nationwide for emergency communication, education and community service
  • ARRL must be an open and ethical organization with effective strategic planning
  • Enhancing the Technician license for digital HF usage
  • Revitalizing public relations program to improve awareness of Amateur Radio

Vote Tom Frenaye – K1KI   For ARRL Director

(Ballots will be mailed by Oct 1st)


Fred Kemmerer,AB1OC, held a Town Hall Meeting on Zoom  September 1st  to answer questions about what he plan to do as ARRL New England Division Director.  He sent the following,,
We recorded the Town Hall Meeting and I wanted to share it with you and your group. The recording can be found at https://ab1oc-4-director.org/first-town-hall/
Fred recently did a presentation at our meeting and is looking for feedback.
You may have seen this week’s ARRL news story about candidates for ARRL New England Division Director and Vice Director elections.  Ballots will be sent out by ARRL in late September.