JotA 2014 is a wrap!

JotA 2014 wrapped up about 10 AM today after a very successful weekend of camping and ham radio activity.  NCRC setup VHF and HF stations at Glen Park, and held the Radio Merit Badge class again.  The scouts seemed even more interested in ham radio this year, perhaps due to the band openings that were providing excellent DX opportunities, and the ability to chat with other scouts in Mass using the VHF gear.

Rob White, KB1ZZU, did an excellent job pulling together the team, and will be presenting the results during next month’s meeting.  Dave Brown was also there so we can look forward to more of his excellent photos.

Willy and Rob launch the HF antenna over the trees

Willy and Rob launch the HF antenna over the trees

Rich and Chuck get the VHF Station on the air

Rich and Chuck get the VHF Station on the air

Willy HF

Willy helping Josh work DX on 17 meters

Scouts relaxing by the fire after a long day of rag chewing

Scouts relaxing by the fire after a long day of rag chewing

(Photo Credit to John King and Bob Beatty)

DXers Take Note: FT5ZM, Amsterdam Island, On The Air

The first reports of Amsterdam Island QSOs happened this morning.  Signals have been heard at 3 to 6 S units above the noise level on 17, 20, and 30 meter bands here in RI during the afternoon.  The pileups this early in the game are huge and rude.  However there is an excellent chance that we will be able to work Amsterdam Island easily.  Three club members (that we know of) have worked FT5ZM to date.  Good luck!

Help Us Help Scouts with a QSO

W1SYE will be on the air this weekend, starting at 8:30 AM Saturday morning, as the Jamboree on the Air station for the Boy Scouts.  Each scout will need to make 10 minutes worth of QSOs as part of their merit badge requirements.  We will be staffing a HF station and a VHF station, and would very much like to have club members standing by to help a scout with a QSO.

If you can help us out, please go to this link

Things Just Keep Getting Better for W1SYE

Ed (W1NQH), Jack (N1JK), John (WA1ABI), and Willy (W1LY) were at it again on April 27th, installing custom made Heliax cables and resolving RF noise that was desensing the receiver.  You can read about the latest update HERE, and see photos of the repeater site and update HERE

The club is very grateful to all those involved in the update, which when completed, will result in a fine ECOM repeater for all of the East Bay area.