NCRC Zoom Meeting: Aug 9@7PM

Hi everyone – days just seem to fly by in the summer.  Believe it or not, it’s time for a Zoom Club Meeting, Monday August 9th at 7:00 PM.  In addition to our usual short business meeting, Jim Sammons, KA1ZOU, and John Mills, K1JSM, will be giving a presentation on using and configuring N3FJP’s Amateur Contact Log (ACL).  This is the logging program that the club uses for Summer and Winter Field Day, as well as many of the Parks on the Air events.

Many have asked if we are returning to in-person meetings, and we have started the process of getting permission to do so again.  However, as you are well aware, things are going the wrong way with the pandemic, so in person events are not looking advisable at this time.  Having said that, don’t forget that some members get together every Thursday for breakfast at Chelsea’s on Aquidneck Ave in Middletown.  Folks show up between 7:30 AM and 8:00 AM, when breakfast is ordered.

Musicians needed for NCRC song performance

The Common Fence Point exercise resulted in a request to have us play and record our Club song “Modulations” at the Community Center.  There are a number of talented musicians in the club and it would be a fun thing to do in association with the Disaster Recovery Exercise in August.  More at the meeting on Monday.

Contact if interested.

Emergency Fun had on July 29 and Aug 4

Several of us met at Common Fence Point for a ranging experiment with FRS and 2m radios in support of an August Emergency Management Exercise in Portsmouth.
Using the Common Fence Point Community Hall, 933 Anthony Road, Portsmouth RI we tested FRS radios at .5 and 2 watts.  Thanks to all that participated. A report of the result is being prepared.

NCRC Meeting Mon July 12 at 7 PM

NCRC will be having our regular monthly meeting via ZOOM on Monday July 12 starting at 7 PM.  Members will be receiving an invitation via email.  If you would like to attend as a guest, please contact WB4SON at

In addition to the regular business items, we will have some preliminary results for Field Day. Our guest speaker will be Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC, who will give a presentation entitled “Programs Helping Hams and Young People to Develop New Skills and Get on The Air”.  Fred is the current president of the Nashua Area Radio Society (voted best club in America for 2019).  He is also a technical mentor for ARISS, and a strong believer in education.  Fred is running for the ARRL New England Director position this fall.