Next Technician Class Starts Tuesday September 18

Our next Technician Class will be held on Tuesdays from 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM starting on September 18, 2018, at St. Lucy’s Church, 909 West Main RD, Middletown RI.  The exam will be held on Tuesday November 13.  (Because of holidays and Election Day there will be no class on October 9 and November 6.)

The class is free, but there is a $10 charge for the study guide and a $15 charge for the exam.

Interested parties are asked to sign up for the class by clicking THIS LINK

Meeting TUESDAY Aug 14 at 7 PM

Our next NCRC meeting will be held on Tuesday August 14 (Note TUESDAY due to Monday holiday) at KVH.

In addition to a short business meeting, Jim KA1ZOU will give a presentation on the recent Cuttyhunk Island activations, and a Kundt’s Tube demonstration will be given.  (A Kundt’s Tube is a demonstration device that allows one to see the relationship between wavelength and frequency of a waveform, as well as standing waves).