NCRC Crew Activating Turnip Island, CT

The Newport County Radio Club will be qualifying a NEW Island On The Air (IOTA), Turnip Island, Housatonic River, Connecticut under the US Islands Award Program on Saturday 19 September, 2015 from 1200-2000 UTC using the call sign W1SYE. Operating frequency will be 14.250-14.259 MHz or 7.250 MHz, depending on band conditions.

Please try to work this never before activated island and help the crew get official recognition.


“Maker” Movement in RI

Mike Cullen, K1NPT, gave a wonderful presentation at last night’s meeting on the Maker Movement in Rhode Island.  He described what they are doing, where they are meeting, and various fairs and conventions.  More importantly to hams, he illustrated how effective he and others have been at making Ham Radio relevant to youth today by showing how it relates to the popular Maker Movement.  As a bonus, without the Makers even realizing it, they are becoming part of a growing STEAM culture within the state.

You can see a copy of Mike’s presentation here.

NCRC Meeting, Monday, Sept 14, KVH @ 7 PM

Our regular meeting will be held on Monday at 7 PM, at KVH.

In addition to our regular short business meeting, we will have a presentation by Mike Cullen, K1NPT, on Rhode Island’s rapidly growing Maker Movement (think home-brew electronics or mechanical systems) and the opportunities to make ham radio an integral part of that and STEAM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics).